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星期六, 十二月 10, 2005


坐牢的名人 亲爱的小文:   姥姥说你想来看爸爸,并说妈妈已告诉你爸爸坐牢的事。这三年七个月来,一直没告诉你的原因是因为你年纪太小,现在你渐渐大起来了,可以知道了。   坐牢的原因很复杂,你还不能完全明白,有的人坐牢是因为做了坏事,但有的人坐牢并不是因为做了坏事,甚至有的人是被冤枉的,法律上有一种“冤狱赔偿法”,就是补救这种可能的。所以一个人坐了牢,我们不可以立刻断定他是坏人做了坏事,一定要经过许多时间才能证明(当然有的是很显明的坏人做坏事,比如吸鸦片烟啦、海盗啦,证明起来很容易)。法国的德雷福斯(Dreyfus)冤狱花了十二年的时间才证明清白。   很多很卓越的人、很多名人,都坐过牢。现在印度(India)的总理甘地夫人(Mrs. Indira Gandhi)就坐过一年一个月。她的爸爸是尼赫鲁(Nehru这个字h不发音,翻成赫音是中国人以前的错误),也做过印度总理,坐过十年半的牢。另一位印度的名人叫“圣雄”甘地(Mohandas K. Gandhi)坐过二千三百三十八天的牢,他的太太死在牢里了。现在印度总理的这位甘地夫人,嫁的另一位甘地,跟这位甘地并无亲属关系。现在西德的总理布朗德(Willy Brandt),他的爸爸妈妈设结婚,他也坐过牢。突尼斯(Tunisia)总统布尔吉巴(Habib Bourguiba)也坐牢、流亡十多年。肯尼亚(Kenya)的总理、总统肯雅塔(Jomo Kenyatta)也坐牢、看管九年。英国的女王伊丽莎白一世(Elizabeth I,现在的是伊丽莎白二世Elizabeth II)二十岁起也坐过牢,她不是她爸爸妈妈合法的女儿,但她后来做了英国历史上最伟大的女王,比谁都合法。她活了七十岁,自二十五岁起做“女皇帝”做了四十五年,是英国历史上的“黄金时代”(the golden age),人才文物极盛,大文学家莎士比亚就是那时候的人(十六世纪到十七世纪)。   十三到十四世纪的时候,有一个人叫马可波罗,曾从意大利越过亚洲大陆到了中国,二十四年后回到意大利,被关在牢里,他闲着没事,乃由他口述,由同房难友写了一部书,就是《马可波罗行记(游记)》(The Book of Marco Polo),这书引起欧洲人对东方的兴趣,便设法到东方来,可是陆路不通了。因为听说地球是圆的,所以想从海上绕过去,于是向西航行,终于发现了美洲。哥伦布虽发现了美洲,可是他不知道,他以为他到了东方的印度,他以为印地安人是印度人,所以把他们叫做Indian,又叫他们是红人,其实他们是亚洲黄种人,既不红,也不印度。小文你看,多好玩,人在牢里写一本书,竟演变出这么多的发现和故事。   写书的作家常常被关在牢里。你看过《鲁滨逊漂流记》吗?这书英文名是Robinson Crusoe,作者笛福(Daniel Defoe)就被关了一年多。跟笛福这英国人同时的法国文学家伏尔泰(Voltaire)也被关过。二十世纪后世界上最有名的奖是诺贝尔奖(Nobel Prizes),得诺贝尔文学奖的,英国哲学家罗素(Bertrand Russell)、苏联文学家索尔仁尼琴(Solzhenitsyn)都坐过牢。   得诺贝尔和平奖的德国作家桂德(Ludwig Quidde)、奥锡慈吉(Carl von Ossietzky)也都坐过牢,都是写文章惹来的祸。   有两个好玩的坐牢故事写给你:   一、德国以前的元首希待勒(Hitler)坐牢时想写书,书名叫《我的奋斗》,但他的德文很蹩脚,于是由同房的难友赫斯(Rudolf Hess)捉刀,出狱后赫斯坐了第二把交椅。他在四十七岁的时候,自己开了一架飞机到英国谈判,结果被英国首相丘吉尔(也坐过牢)关起来,直关到德国投降,在纽伦堡大审里被判无期徒刑。跟他一起被判刑的十一个人绞死了,七个人坐十年二十年等长牢,到爸爸坐牢前一年(一九七○),别人都出狱了,只有赫斯一个人在坐,那时他已经七十六了,已经眼看就坐了三十年的牢了。英法美苏四国派人关他,一年要花三十万美金,即每天花八百三十块美金,三万两千新台币,但赫斯身体好得很,他还要他的敌人继续花钱花下去,他说他没有罪。监狱方面每星期供应他十本书,每天四份报纸。   二、另一个好玩的坐牢故事是美国的劳工领袖戴布期(Eugene V. Debs),一九二○年美国选总统时,戴布斯坐在牢里,还得了一百万张票。他虽被判了十年徒刑,可是美国哈定(Harding)总统看他太得人心了,只好把他特赦出来。 爸 爸 一九七四年十月十九日   你六号的信十四收到,上周因给朋友写两封信,没给你写,这儿每周只能发两封信。
作者: 者敖之宴 2005-4-21 18:41   回复此发言

水肉·水月·影子戏 亲爱的小文:   寓言里头狗偷了一块肉,在水边看到水里有另一条狗嘴里有肉,它很贪心,想去抢肉,结果跳到水里连自己嘴里那块肉也丢了。——这是一个写又笨又贪心的故事。   中国古代的大诗人李白,听说喝醉了酒到水里去捞月亮淹死的,后来有了句成语,叫“水中捞月”;还有一句诗,叫“镜花水月总成空”。   为什么成空呢?因为水里的只是—种倒影,镜里的只是一种投影,影子不是真实的。但有人很笨,老是追求影子,并且拿影子来骗人,人间有很多小儿子骗老母亲,都是这样的。老母亲因为溺爱小儿子,永远“牺牲实在而信虚幻”(to sacrifice the substance to the shadow),也就是“抓紧影子而失掉实在”(grasp at the shadow and lose the substance)。结果自己一场空,还害了别的亲人。   人间有很多现象是很好玩的;每个吝啬爱钱省吃俭用的守财奴父亲都会摊到一个花天酒地浪费钱的儿子;每个自以为聪明的老太太都会摊到一个永远把她骗得神不知鬼不觉的小儿子。你将来若看到法国文学家莫泊桑(De Maupassant)的《女人的一生》的小说,你就可以看到那些小儿子一再骗老母亲,老母亲一再原谅一再上当的妙事。这种情形,中国外国都一样的,可惜每位老母亲都认为她的小儿子跟别人的小儿子不一样,是好人。而在不知不觉间,成为小儿子做恶的同谋,骗爸爸哥哥。   还有一种影子是剪影、侧影,英文叫silhouette。The cat's silhouette(dark silhouette)on the wall.就是猫的影子现在墙上,这种影子特指清楚的侧面像。   有一种“皮人影子戏”使影子可以动。汉武帝想李夫人,艺人就做出影子戏骗汉武帝说李夫人的魂来了,汉武帝说:“是耶?非耶?偏何姗姗其来迟!”从此就出来一句“姗姗来迟”的成语。 爸 爸 一九七四年十月二十七日
作者: 者敖之宴 2005-4-21 18:41   回复此发言

怪签名 亲爱的小文:   爸爸十月十九给你的信,十月二十六、二十七给姥姥的和你的信,你都收到了吗?       十月十九信上提到的英国女王伊丽莎白一世,她的签名很累人,不过她们那个时代,穿衣服和签名都很累赘。签名扭来扭去,像画花一样。   富兰克林的签名,签到最后,还要像溜冰式的花式表演好一阵子才停止。      美国独立宣言上第一个签名人是John Hancock,后来变成典故,如果一个人签一项文件,就是签了他的“John Hancock”(He is said to have written his“John Hancock”.)。   美国独立宣言是一七七六年签字的,快两百年了。你在华盛顿时有没有看到?   当时签字后John Hancock警告大家,说一定得团结呀,We must all hang together.(我们所有人都要团结在一起。)富兰克林立刻答了一句有点的双关语(pun):   Yes, we must indeed all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.(是呀,我们要不团结在一起,就要分别上绞架。)(或是团结在一起,或是分别上绞架。)   这句双关语的妙处,中文翻不出来,因为hang together是团结在一起,但hang又是把人吊死的意思,together(在一起)和separately(分别的、单独的、分开的)意思又正好相对,所以才成了这么一句妙英文。美国当时若革命没成功,这些签名的都会被英国人吊死。   清朝大臣李鸿章说了一句“庭前桃未发”,他的朋友就接了一句“阁下李先”。第二句连用两个双关语,“阁下”可解释做“您”,也可解释做“在豪华大楼前面”;“李先生”可解释做“李鸿章先生”,也可解释做“李子树先长出来了”。 爸 爸 一九七四年十一月三日
作者: 者敖之宴 2005-4-21 18:41   回复此发言

你看中国人分得多细 亲爱的小文: 你八号的信十三号收到。你在英文上不论写作和字,都有很大很大的进步,爸爸很高兴。你信上提到的真假姥姥,在英文里都叫grandma,中文里的亲属关系分得比较细,在中文中—— 爸爸的妈妈叫祖母或奶奶。 妈妈的妈妈叫外祖母或婆婆或外婆或姥姥,英文的译法是maternal grandma,maternal是“母亲方面的”。 因为中国人的家族观念比较重,所以才分得这么细。 中文分哥哥弟弟,英文叫brother,不分兄弟,要分得加上elder或younger。 中文分姊姊妹妹,英文叫sister,也不分,要分也得加上elder或younger。 中文分堂兄、堂弟、堂姊、堂妹、表兄、表弟、表姊、表妹,但英文一律叫cousin,不但分不出是堂是表是大是小,甚至还分不清是男是女。 parents可译双亲或父母,但parent就分不清是男是女(中文“亲”是parents的意思)。 中文的伯伯、叔叔、舅舅、姨父、姑父,英文一律叫uncle。 中文的伯母、婶母、舅母、姨母、姑母,英文一律叫aunt。 中文的侄子、外甥,英文一律叫nephew。 中文的侄女、外甥女,英文一律叫niece。 中文的翁(公公)、泰山、丈人(岳父),英文一律叫father-in-law。 中文的姑(婆婆)、岳母(丈母娘),英文一律叫mother-in-law。 中文的内兄(大舅子)、内弟(小舅子)、大伯子、小叔子、姊夫、妹夫、连襟等,英文一律叫brother-in-law。 中文的大姨子、小姨子、大姑子、小姑子、姑奶奶、嫂子、弟妹、妯娌、舅嫂(即太太的兄弟的太太),英文都叫sister-in-law。 中文同父异母或同母异父的兄弟姊妹称呼一样,但英文中却分得严,英文中一定要同父异母才是brother或sister,否则只是隔山兄弟(half brother)或隔山姊妹(half sister)。 中文的表达法有一点和英文不同,六姑家的三姊妹,如人问怡怡(宜宜)表妹你家有几个姊妹? 如果问的是中国人,怡怡就要说有三姊妹(把自己也算进去)。 如果问的是外国人,怡怡就要说I have two sisters.——安安and宁宁(不把自己算进去)。 另外英文还有一个习惯喜欢直呼其名,中文习惯怡怡可能是叫大姊、二姊,但英文习惯却是直叫安安宁宁,甚至可叫妈妈(六姑)做Lucy,所以中文中一听可知道是老几,英文中听不出来。 听不出来也看不出来的则是孪生,就是双胞胎(twins),更难分的是三胞胎(triplets),更更难分的是四胞胎(quadruplets),更更更难分的是五胞胎(quintuplets),五胞胎要八千五百万中才有一次。 爸 爸 一九七四年十一月十六日
作者: 者敖之宴 2005-4-21 18:41   回复此发言

天上天堂与人间天堂 亲爱的小文: 信教的人和迷信的人都相信有天堂,天堂的英文是heaven,也叫paradise(乐园)。英国大诗人,十七世纪的弥尔顿(John Milton)——也坐过牢——的名著《失乐园》(Paradise Lost),就是写亚当(Adam)和夏娃(Eve)被赶出乐园的长诗,那个乐园有一个专门名字叫“伊甸园”(the Garden of Eden),因为夏娃被蛇骗,吃了上帝不准吃的苹果,所以被赶出来。 基督教圣经(Bible)里头创世纪(第二章),关于这伊甸园的故事,其中天堂的观念是抄自波斯的。天堂本是人从人间想出来的好地方,所以不论中外,都有大同小异的描写,不但描写天堂在天上,在人死后,还描写天堂在人间——人间天堂(earthly paradise),也就是弥尔顿书里所说的A Heaven on Earth.。 天堂像个大楼房似的,也分层,佛教说“三十三天”,犹太教和伊斯兰教说“七重天”,台北有家歌厅就叫七重天,大概那就是人间天堂啦! 中国古代的大诗人陶渊明(因为喜欢喝酒,生的儿子都是笨蛋)写过一篇《桃花源记》,就是写人间天堂,写一个渔夫迷了路,到了那地方,后来再去找,也找不到了。因此出来一句成语——“世外桃源”。二次大战的时候,人间问罗斯福总统空袭日本东京的美国飞机是从哪儿起飞的?他说“香格里拉”(Shangri-la),香格里拉是美国小说家James Hilton小说中的一个世外桃源,在这里比喻做秘密基地的意思。 英国小说家Samuel Butler写过一本怪书叫《艾瑞荒》,英文是Erehwon,这字反过来就是Nowhere。 No是没有,where是在那儿,意思就是没在那儿,没有那个地方。书中描写一个放羊的,不知不觉跑进Erehwon这地方,这地方很特别,认为生病是犯罪,生了病就关到牢狱里;骗子无罪,但被骗的人却要关在牢里,后来这牧人坐上气球,才逃了出来。这也是一种世外桃源,一种乌托邦。乌托邦的英文是Utopia,乌托邦三个字,又翻译Utopia的音,又翻译它的义,乌托邦就是假设国。写乌托邦这部书的Thomas More坐过牢,后来被伊丽莎白女王的爸爸(就是亨利第八皇帝Henry VIII)杀了(亨利第八有六个老婆,两个被杀,两个被赶跑了,这大胖子凶得很)。 爸 爸 一九七四年十一月二十二日 画片上的Thomas More和Henry VIII都是画家Hans Holbein画的,这种四百年前的画,画得比现代彩色照相还逼真。这画家长得很像孟伯伯。
作者: 者敖之宴 2005-4-21 18:41   回复此发言

猫抓耗子法案 亲爱的小文: 这是在这边爸爸所能买到的最好的一张圣诞卡片。左边那头猫,眼睛没印好,好像变成了“重瞳”。瞳是眼球,英文是pupil,跟小学生pupil同一个字。重瞳是两个瞳仁重复在一起了,在中国历史上一个皇帝叫虞舜的,是重瞳,还有一个失败的英雄,叫项羽也叫楚霸王的,也是重瞳,其实这很可能是一种叫“白内障”的眼病,并没有神秘可言(很巧,英文中白内障就叫cataract)。“双瞳翦水”是形容女人眼睛的好看,clear,beautiful eyes of a pretty girl。 cat's-eye是猫眼石,是一种宝石。 cat's-eye是小孩玩的弹珠子(playing marble)游戏,这字是美国俗语,也是因为珠子像猫眼睛的缘故。 cat's cradle也是小孩玩的游戏,中文叫“挑花线”或“翻花鼓”或“编花筐”或“翻绞绞”,你玩过吗? cat and mouse也是小孩玩的游戏,中文叫“猫抓耗子”。(Cat and Mouse. This is a very good tag game. The players join hands in a circle. Two players are picked to be “cat” and “mouse”. The cat stands outside the circle and the mouse inside. The cat tries to catch the mouse. The rest of the players help or hinder the cat by raising or lowering their arms. The cat and mouse can run in and out of the circle under the other players' arms. When the mouse is caught, other players are picked.)你在育仁小学时玩过吗? 和cat and mouse这字有关的有一个好玩的词儿叫Cat-and-mouse Act“猫抓耗子法案”。过去女人没有权利投票或参加政治活动,于是有些女人便出来捣乱,英国政府便把这些捣乱鬼抓到牢里,她们就赌气绝食(不吃饭,英文叫fast,吃饭就打破了break这fast,所以早餐就叫breakfast)。于是一九一三年英国国会通过了这个“猫抓耗子法案”,规定坐牢不吃饭,就放她出去,可是在外面吃饭了,再抓回来,意思就是不让犯人投机。猫抓耗子,习惯并不立刻吃,猫让耗子跑,跑了几步又抓回来,所以这个法案才有这么个怪名字。印度的甘地七十四岁的时候在牢里宣布要绝食二十一天,英国政府要他出去绝,绝好了再回来,他不肯,结果居然熬过了这么久(只喝橘子汁活),英国cat对这只印度mouse,实在也没什么好法子。 爸 爸 一九七四年十二月十五日
作者: 者敖之宴 2005-4-21 18:41   回复此发言

“爸”“爹”“妈” 亲爱的小文:   小孩子刚学说话,最先发的音也就是最容易发的音就是“爸”、“爹”、“妈”这些音,中外都是一样的。英文Pa或Papa或Dad或Daddy都是“父亲”(Father)的意思,但比Father亲热得多。所以你以后写信,不要写Dear Father而该写Dear Dad,我附一封英文给爸爸信的样本在下面: June 10 Dear Dad,   The flowers are beautiful! Mother and I will enjoy them at our table for several days, I know. Everything is so new and so exciting. I heard several French Canadians singing their songs as they stood on the stern waving to some friends on the dock. It is like a foreign land already. I'm all anticipation for the summer to come. I only wish you could be with us. Love, and thank you for the wonderful trip and for the flowers. Joan   但Mother这个字,却不像Father这个字这么正式,所以常和Mom或Ma或Mamma或Mama混用,我再附一段英文小说在下面:   Davie was next down.“Morning, Mother. Morning, Dad.”he said with that deference that comes on a sixteen-year-old when he has something to ask for, something he wants much. “Here're your waffles, Davie,”his mother said. “Four.” “That'll do fine to start on,”Davie said, and grinned up at her.“You sure can sling a wicked waffle, Mom.”   当然正式的说法都用Father,尤其成语里都是固定用Father的,如:   Like father, like son.(有其父必有其子,子必肖其父,虎父无犬子,什么样的爸爸什么样的儿子。)  Like mother, like daughter.(也是一样的意思。)   我再附一段用Daddy的例子:   As our I 1-year-old daughter's birthday approached, she let it be known that the thing she wanted most, was an automatic record player. We agreed to give it to her on condition that she promise to take good care of it. She promised, of course. But we had no idea how serious she was until one day when my wife was tidying her room she found a list of rules headed:“How To Take Care of My Record Player.”       The rules included such things as keeping the machine clean, caring for the needle and so on. But the clincher was the last rule of all. It read:“If record player gets broke, don't let Daddy try to fix it.”   我们十一岁女儿的生日快到前,她暗示最想要的东西是一架自动电唱机。我们同意要是她答应好好照管,就可以送给她,当然她答应了。但我们还不知道她对此是何等认真,直到有一天我太太替她收拾房间,发现一张标题是“如何照管我的唱机”的照管规则时,我们才恍然大悟。   这些规则包括保持机件清洁、当心针头等等。但是使人没话讲的是最后一条:“假使喝机坏了,别让爹爹去修。”   “长服爹爹”(Daddy long legs)不是人,是一种不咬人的蜘蛛,也叫“收割者”(harvestman),在动物学上,翻作“盲蜘蛛”。它的腿,可以说丢就丢,遇到危险,它就丢个腿骗敌人,敌人注意到腿,它就趁机跑了。(壁虎也有这种本领,不过壁虎丢的是尾巴。)    中国有句古话“毒蛇在手,壮士断臂”,因为不断臂毒液就会蔓延,人就给毒死了。所以“壮士断臂”是表示有决心、有决心、肯牺牲、不因小失大的意思。可是人断了臂,不能再生一只,“长腿爹爹”的腿,像壁虎尾巴一样,断了却可以再生出来。许多小动物,实在比人奇妙得多、有办法得多。    上月十五的信和照片都收到,贺年片也收到。你这张照片照得非常漂亮可爱。 爸 爸 一九七五年一月二日夜
作者: 者敖之宴 2005-4-21 18:41   回复此发言

木字头的 亲爱的小文: 二号给你的信你收到了吗?去年十二月十五你寄的信和卡片以后,一直没再接到你的信,是不是功课太忙?你还是每周写信来才好。 中文“木”字跟人和动物有一些词儿: 木偶(puppet)——就是傀儡,木偶戏如傀儡戏,英文叫puppet show,电视里就可以看到。英文中常有a puppet government(傀儡政府)字眼,是骂没有主权的政府。 木头人儿——就是没表情的人,这种人的脸是“扑克脸”(poker face),poker face不是指牌上的人脸没表情,而是指打牌的人脸没表情,这叫不动声色。木头人儿也指笨蛋,a stupid fellow,an idiot。 木乃伊(mummy)——mummy有两个意思,一个是妈咪,一个是干尸,是埃及古时候把死人保持不腐烂。木乃伊是译音,译得不准确,但大家已用习惯了,妈咪也是译音,译得准。 木鸡——在中文有两个意思,一个相当于英文的wood cock,是一种也叫“山鹬”的鸟,另一意思是形容人呆住了,成语叫“呆若木鸡”(as dull as a wooden chicken),同时也有骂人笨的意思。(“木鸡”本来是称赞,在古代《庄子》一书里说一个人训练斗鸡,把鸡训练到不轻举妄动,到呆若木鸡的程度,别的鸡见了都害怕的程度,才算到家。后来这个词变得不是称赞了。可见人会变,鸡会变,木头鸡也会变,世界是变的呀!)真巧,英文wood cock也可骂人笨。 木马——木马可多了,有木马屠城记的木马,有运动场上的木马,有小朋友的木马。希腊人攻城,把兵藏在木马(wooden horse)内,这故事很有趣,你可以问老师。 木牛流马——三国时代诸葛亮发明的“卡车”。 木鱼——老和尚小和尚老尼姑小尼姑念经敲的东西。 木头鱼——安徽南部人穷,用木头刻一条鱼放在菜里撑场面,反正吃不掉,可以永远用。这也是挖苦人的意思。 爸 爸 一九七五年一月十七日
作者: 者敖之宴 2005-4-21 18:42   回复此发言

踏脚石与马铃薯 亲爱的小文: 你开始学植物(plant),你要爸爸写一点植物给你。好,你看,植物来了,这是什么花?这是五月花(Mayflower),这是美国麻州的州花(state flower of Massachusetts)。麻州就是美国东边那个有小挂衣钩的小州,州虽小,资格却很老,一六二○年——哥伦布(Columbus)发现美洲后一二八年,一条叫Mayflower的船,到了这挂衣钩的Provincetown的地方,这船上有一○二个Pilgrims(都是清教徒Pilgrims),有老有少有男有女(有的还有仆人),他们是从英国Plymouth港上船的,走了六十五天,到了挂衣钩(这钩叫Cape Cod),但到了这里的一○二个人不是完全上船那一○二个,因为死了一个,又生了一个,这天是一六二○年November 21,到了December 21,他们到了西边的陆地,因为他们是从Plymouth来的,所以就把这地方叫做Plymouth。(你记得前年九月二十三爸爸给你信上提到的美国对英国饮水思源,英国有一个Plymouth,美国来它六个吗?)到了这地方,一○二个人又变了,死了三个,又生了一个,一共只有九十九了。传说他们踩了一块踏脚石(stepping-stone),现在这块石头是美国国宝。 这三五○多年前的九十九个人,就是今天美国白人的老祖宗(ancestors)。 这条船,早就烂掉了,但一九五七年,英国做了一条一模一样的,叫Mayflower II,英文叫复制品(replica),送给美国。 美国白人有的很神气,总是炫耀他们Mayflower来的老祖宗,认为他们最老资格,但忘了在白人到美洲前,早有黄种人印地安(Indian)人在那儿了。美国历史上最有名的牛仔哲学家(the cowboy philosopher),最会表演挥鞭子、说笑话的Will Rogers(一九三五年爸爸出世后三个多月,他坐飞机失事死了)说过一句挖苦这些美国白人的话: My folks didn't come over on the Mayflower, but they were there t meet the boat.(我们家的人没坐五月花来,但他们却是(在岸上)接这条船的。) 原来Will Rogers的祖先是印地安人!远在二万年前,就从亚洲到美洲了! 可见一个人不要老吹自己的祖宗,要自己有本领才好。Thomas Overbury用植物中的马铃薯(potato)做过一个比喻,他说自己乏善可陈老是吹他有名的祖宗的家伙,就像马铃薯——属于他的好东西都在地底下(祖宗都死了,埋在地底下)。The man who has not anything to boast of but his illustrious ancestors is like a potato - the only good belonging to him is under ground.(Sir Thomas Overbury:Characters) 小文你说,这个比喻好不好玩? 马铃薯的球根叫tuber,马铃薯全世界苏联最多,其次是波兰、德国、中国、美国。 跟马铃薯有关的英文,hot potato和small potatoes你可问老师什么意思。 爸 爸 一九七五年二月一日 你上月二十六信二十八收到。
作者: 者敖之宴 2005-4-21 18:42   回复此发言

我讨厌日本 亲爱的小文:   二月十五日信上爸爸写的“想法”两个字该是“能把”。    你二月二日的信,二月十四日的Valentine卡片,又二月十四日的信和小卡片,二月二十四日的信,都收到。    这一阵子,爸爸因为忙着写信替你进行筹买钢琴的钱,所以没有给你写信。现在钱筹得差不多了,可以肯定告诉你好消息——下个月初(一号到五号),就可以买到。    现在再谈日本,恐怕你们已上过讲日本的课了,是不是太迟了?    一、日本人以前侵略中国,中国人大都不喜欢日本人。爸爸就不喜欢日本人,也不喜欢日本。爸爸宁肯喜欢日本人中的一种野人——Amino(虾夷人,住在北海道。就是地图上北边那个大岛Hokkaido。虾夷人留着大胡子,吃饭时候要用钩子钩开胡子,露出嘴巴,才吃)。    二、日本人矮、小、地方小、心眼小,中国人都叫他们“小日本”或“日本鬼子”。但日本人却自称“大日本”。    三、日本的旧式建筑,受了中国影响,但改得有点小家子气,很单薄。    四、日本人学写中国毛笔字,但写得难看无比,每个字都趴在那里,并且乱扭扭捏捏一阵。    五、日本人和德国人是全世界最不会把简单的事弄简单的人,他们常常弄得复杂,日本人写的书多犯这个毛病。日本的小说,没有一本是能看的。日本文字的啰嗦,使他们在二次世界大战的通讯方面,吃了大亏。    六、日本人小题大作,有荼道(The Tea Ceremony),女人跪在tatami(榻榻米)上忙了半天,只弄出一小口荼来。    七、日本女人的腿都是弯的。日本人喜欢穿木拖板,脚也难看。大概这叫“屐道”,“屐道”两个字是爸爸起的,屐是wooden shoes。    八、日本人打架有“柔道”(judo)、有“空手道”(karate),打仗打败了自杀有“武士道”(bushido)要“塞普库”(切腹)。    九、日本画和电影,在表情上,男人都是夸张过度的凶相,女人都是“爱哭面”,台湾的歌仔戏一路哭到底,大概受了日本的影响,台湾被日本统治了半个世纪,所以很日本味,很多台湾人说了一口好日本话,但有的不行,日本人考台湾人日语,要他们分别: 子供(小孩子) 寇豆墨 袈裟(和尚穿的衣服) 寇洛墨   很多台湾人就分不清“豆”和“洛”的音。    十、日本的国戏是大胖子摔角(sumo wrestling)。爸爸小时候在山西省的太原看过这种表演,大胖子要多胖有多胖,摔角前全是假动作,又小题大作,乱扭扭捏捏一阵,实际的摔角好像不到一分钟(The actual wrestling seems to last for less than a minute.),最后好像最胖的赢了。    十一、日本人喜欢吃生鱼,叫“寿司”(sushi),就是饭团上来一块鱼肉(rice cakes with fish on top),难吃死了。有一种叫sukiyaki,是锅爆肉,用肉片加菜爆炒后,从生鸡蛋里沾一下再吃的怪菜,味道尚好。    十二、日本有皇帝,但是不管事,这叫“虚君”,他只是国家的象征(the symbol of the state),就像古代船头上那个装饰人像一样,英文叫figurehead,中国人叫“破浪神”(日本皇帝只管过一次事,就是投降那一次)。    十三、日本人是经济的动物,很会做生意,很会模仿别人,就像猴子(monkey),日本语是“撒路”,俄国最后一任皇帝当皇太子的时候去日本玩,被日本浪人刺了一刀,他最恨日本人,就叫日本人是猴子。爸爸认为,“上帝因为发明了日本人失望了才发明猴子。”(God invented the monkey because he was disappointed in the Japanese.)    十四、英文成语: Give the devil his due.(给魔鬼他的应该得的东西。)    意思是不掩没恶人的长处,不以人废言,不要因为你讨厌他而否定他的优点。爸爸虽然讨厌日本和日本人,但并不抹杀他们的本领。    Sayonara!(Japanese good-bye)美国小说家James A. Michener的一本小说就用这字做书名。    请姥姥给你讲中文成语“指鹿为马”的故事。日本人后来偷去这个故事,成了一句日本骂人语——“马鹿野郎”(拔个牙路),意思是人连马和鹿都分不清,是个混蛋的家伙。日本人最喜欢骂“马鹿野郎”,有次首相吉田茂在国会里骂出来了,结果丢了首相宝座。    中国东北人说日本,发音是一本;湖北人说日本,发音是二本。 爸 爸 一九七五年三月九日
作者: 者敖之宴 2005-4-21 18:42   回复此发言

瞎子可以摸出象来 亲爱的小文:   感官(senses)一般说有五种(Most people speak of the five senses:sight——眼,视觉。hearing——耳,听觉。smell——鼻,嗅觉。taste——舌,味觉。feeling——皮肤,触觉),事实上不只五种,人类有十一种。   还有一种叫“第六感”的“直觉”(sixth sense,an unusual power of perception;intuition;a power of perception beyond the five senses)。很多人信这第六种,但它没有科学的根据。这就是说,“第六感”有迷信的(superstitious)味儿。   爸爸在去年三月二十二日信上告诉过你蜻蜓(dragonfly)有最好的眼睛,它可以看到十八英尺远的一只小蚊子(gnat)。另外鹰(eagle)也有极好的眼睛,可以看到半里以外的小兔子,中国诗人描写说“草枯鹰眼疾”,就是夸它的目光犀利。一只小鹰的眼力就比人类好八倍,可见人类真是“目光如豆”(short-sighted)。人类不但不能“鸟瞰”(a bird's eye view)事物,还常常不肯“正视”(face),常常“视而不见”(look but do not see)他所“目睹”(see with one's own eyes)的,所以常常是“打马虎眼”(pretend not to see或to overlook)。所以人常常是睁着眼睛的瞎子,尤其在love的时候,因为大诗人Chaucer说love is blind.。   瞎了一只眼,叫“独眼龙”(one-eyed person),独眼龙如果运气好,还可以做国王,“In the land of the blind, the one-eyed is king.”(在盲人之国,独眼龙就是王。)这是一句好玩的英文谚语,这才真是中文谚语里头的“别具只眼”呢!(英文eye for eye大概是独眼龙发明的,中文的意思是以眼还眼,一报还一报,报复,一拳来一脚去。)   如果人两只眼睛全瞎了,瞎得像鼹鼠(as blind as a mole),瞎得像甲虫(as blind as a beetle),那么就要靠“摸”才行了,摸,就是另一种sense——“触觉”了。   (关于视觉会上当的情形,你可看去年四月十三日爸爸给你的信。现在贴一张“视觉暂留”现象的实验给你,你可跟小朋友们立刻试试看,非常好玩。)   现在谈“触觉”。触觉瞎子最灵,中国有一个笑话说“盲人摸象”,因为象太大了,盲人们each touching merely a small part of the elephant's body,结果每个人说出的象的形状都不一样。其实这是时间不够的缘故。如果时间够,瞎子一定可以模出象的模样来。   十九世纪的时候,一个十五岁的法国瞎子布雷尔(Louis Braille),他发明了一种凸起的用小点表示的字母,瞎子可以摸着,于是他的名字Braille便成了a code of small raised dots on paper(A blind person reads braille by running his fingers along on the dots. He can write braille on a 6-key machine called a braillewriter, or with a stylus on a pocketsize metal or plastic state.),于是瞎子可以“看”(摸)书了。   美国的海伦凯勒(Helen Keller),她克服了聋、哑、瞎的困难,她的故事极动人,你可请老师讲给你听。触觉当然不限于手,皮肤都有这种感觉。山鹬(woodcock)鸟能用嘴放在地上,凭触觉确定出地下的蚯蚓在哪儿动,你说多厉害!这种触觉多精细啊!植物中含羞草(sensitive plant)也有这种感觉,你说怪不怪?   蜥蜴(lizards,你看到的壁虎,叫house lizare,是lizards的一种)和蛇(snakes)的舌头,不但有触觉,还有的另一种——smell嗅觉。   嗅觉可分二大类,香和臭。中文中带香字的好多,香气(fragrant)、香闺(lady's chamber)、香肠(sausage)、香瓜(muskmelon)、香蕉(banana)、香料(spices)、香片(scented tea)、香肉(dog meat)、香水(perfume,cologne water)、香甜(sweet and nice-smelling)、香喷喷、香酥鸭、香饽饽、鸟语花香、国色天香……除了“香港脚”(Hong Kong-foot)外,所有香都是好的。
作者: 者敖之宴 2005-4-21 18:42   回复此发言

  中文带臭字的也好多,臭虫(bedbug)、臭名(notorious)、臭美(smug)、臭沟(stinking ditch)、臭钱(stinking money)、臭骂(scold)、臭揍(a good beating)、臭鼬(skunk)、臭烘烘(stinking)、臭小子(bum)、臭女人(hussy)、臭皮囊(the human body)、臭吃臭喝(drink like a fish and eat like a pig)、遗臭万年(leave a name that stinks through the ages)……除了“臭豆腐”(fermented bean curd)外,所有臭都是坏的。   嗅觉会疲劳,所以刚闻的时候最觉得臭或香,闻久了就不觉得了,中文成语叫“久而不闻其臭”,并且还要做“逐臭之夫”,因为“臭味相投”啊!   人的嗅觉比起狗来,又差得多了,狗鼻子最灵。有些蛾子(moth)它们的“鼻子”长在“触须”(antennae,电视的天线也antennae)上,也灵得很。女蛾子不需用香水,男蛾子就闻到了。   第四种sense方面,味觉也是千奇百怪。鲶鱼(catfish)在肚皮上有味觉器官(organs),你把肉放在它肚子旁边,它就会转过身来咬,比专靠舌头的人类妙多了。   一般说味有五种,就是“五味”:酸(sour)、甜(sweet)、苦(bitter)、辣(hot)、咸(salty),没有味道,中国成语是“味同嚼蜡”(tastes like chewing candle)。还有—句叫“索然无味”(uninteresting,tasteless)。“鸡肋”(chicken's ribs)的意思是“弃之可惜,食之无味”,有点进退两难的矛盾。   有的人的舌头天生有“品味”的能力,这种人就可以做品味师。有的人的舌头就很差,山珍海味吃起来,也不觉得有什么不得了,这叫“食而不知其味”。   还有很多“有味”的味,你慢慢就会“体味”出来,像“美味”、“趣味”、“兴味”、“滋味”、“情味”、“韵味”、“玩味”、“往事只能回味”……你书看多了,就全都知道了。   第五种sense是听觉。   中文有“装聋作哑”(pretend to be deaf and dumb),所以有时候对声音会故意“听而不闻”(I hear, but I don't listen),有时候人要故意听别人说什么,于是就plant “bug”,这是不对的,所以Nixon下台了。所以中国古人希望的“顺风耳”,实行起来,要有限度才好。   你记得《木偶奇遇记》里那只小蟋蟀(cricket)吗?cricket只有男的才叫(only the male cricket produces sound),女的比人类中的女性沉默多了,她们只是听。用什么听呢?用耳朵。耳朵在哪儿呢?在前面两条腿上!   更奇怪的就是小瞎子蝙蝠(bat)了,英文说全瞎像蝙蝠一样瞎(as blind as a bat),但蝙蝠的声觉,却比人类的雷达(radar,可问老师是什么)还高明,它凭声波抓小虫来吃,它根本用不着眼睛!   鲨鱼(shark)也是个听音专家,浑身是“耳”(佛经上说“通身是眼”,它却“通身是斗”),正常的声音它听而不闻,但声音中一有异动,就哪怕三○○码(一码yard是三英尺,就是foot)外,它也不会“充耳不闻”(turn a deaf ear to),它立刻游过去,准备大吃特吃一顿。 爸 爸 一九七五年三月三十日   你二十三日的信及你自己做Easter的卡片(做得好可爱)及小口香糖都收到。daylight-saving-time(日光节约时间)的slang是monkey time,但这是dialect用法。
作者: 者敖之宴 2005-4-21 18:42   回复此发言

彼得·潘·潘彼得 亲爱的小文:   上月二十三号,给你信上提到的Leonardo Da Vinci画的那幅《最后的晚餐》(The Last Supper),爸爸把它贴在下面。画的意思是耶稣(Jesus)说One of you shall betray me.(你们之中有一个要出卖我了),于是大家纷纷问他Is it I?(是我吗?)    画上有Jesus的十二个徒弟,但并不是“十二使徒”Twelve Apostles——the twelve disciples and associates of Jesus(Peter, James, John, Andrew, Thomas, James the Less, Jude, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Simon, and Judas), Who were chosen as His Apostles.画上说明(The Last Supper, as painted by Leonardo Da Vinci, shows Jesus and the twelve apostles, left to right:Bartholomew, James the Less, Andrew, Judas, Peter, John, Thomas, James, Philip, Matthew Thaddeus, and Simon.)说是the twelve apostles,是不妥的,因为十二使徒里的Judas(犹大),并不是画里那个Judas,但一般人总以为画里那个Judas是十二使徒之一,这是一般人看书没有爸爸仔细的缘故。    坐在画里Judas旁的白胡子老头叫彼得(Peter),Jesus死后,Peter是头牌的使徒。他原来是打鱼的,Jesus招他做徒弟,说做了Jesus徒弟就“得人如得鱼一样”(I will make you fishers of men.)。于是Peter就跟Jesus传道了。Jesus死后十五年,Peter因传教被关在牢里,但传说天使帮他越狱,天使来的时候,看守他的兵也睡了,锁着他的两条铁链也开了。可见天使的本领真大,不但会催眠术(hypnotism),还是锁匠(locksmith),也许锁就是Peter自己开的,因为Jesus早就说给Peter“天国的钥匙”(I will give to thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven.),这keys既然能开天门,开个铁链上的锁自然不在话下。 Peter越狱后二十多年,又被抓住了,这次天使不来了,Peter被钉十字架上,临钉以前他要求头朝下脚朝上钉(他老师Jesus是头上脚下钉)。死后,被称为圣彼得(Saint Peter)。现在罗马(Rome)的圣彼得教堂(St. Peter's Church)是世界上最大最有名的Christian church,Peter的坟就在里面,但直到一九五○年——Peter死后近一千九百年,才发现(英文Rob Peter to pay Paul就是“慷他人之慨”“挖东墙补西墙”的意思)。    谈完了Peter,再谈Pan(潘)。Pan是牧羊神,是希腊神话里半人半羊的神,怪吓人的,所以英文panic一个字,便是被他“吓”出来的,如说They fall into a panic.就是“他们大感恐慌”。    另外panpipe(牧神笙)这种乐器,也是他“吹”出来的。panpipe——a primitive wind instrument consisting of a series of hollow pipes of graduated length, the tones being produced by blowing across the upper ends.    爸爸为什么跟你谈Peter和Pan呢?    因为要介绍一个小朋友,他的名字叫Peter Pan(潘彼得)。    Peter Pan是谁?Peter Pan是一个童话里的小男孩,他不肯长大(refuses to grow up),下面是他的履历:    Peter Pan, the hero of a play by Sir James Barrie, is a boy who refuses to grow up. Peter Pan persuades Wendy, John, and Michael Darling to fly with him and the fairy Tinker Bell to Never-Never Land. The Darling children and Peter Pan have adventures with the pirate Captain Hook, a crocodile, and an Indian princess. The play was first produced in 1904. The character first appears in Barrie's story The Little White Bird(1902). Several chapters from the story were published in 1906 as Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens. In 1911, Barrie made the play into a story called Peter Pan and Wendy.    作者巴利是美国人,写了很多书。He once summed up his work as a means “to play hide and seek with angels”.(跟天使捉迷藏)    Peter Pan这书你学校里一定有。中文也有译本,叫《潘彼德》,重庆南路商务印书馆可以买到。译者梁实秋,现在有七十五六岁了,他是三姑三姑父在师范大学时的文学院院长,他给爸爸写的一本书《胡适评传》写过书评,说“李敖先生收集材料的本领很大”。    Peter Pan的小朋友Wendy这名字念起来很像中文的“文谛”,你要爸爸给你起一个中间的名字,就叫Wendy好不好?    Hedy Wendy Lee可写做Hedy W. Lee或H. W. Lee,你喜欢吗?你可以写信问问妈妈再决定用不用。 有人用middel name,反而不用前面的,美国前总统Nixon的太太叫Thelma Patricia(Pat)Ryan只用middle name。一九五二年大选的时候,政敌Nixon说收了slush fund(红包),A fund or sum of money set aside for political purposes, to use to buy influence or votes, or to use in bribery.说他太太Pat有貂皮大衣(mink coat),于是Nixon上了电视,称呼他太太就用Pat这middle name:He discussed his personal finances in detail, showing that he had not profited personally from the fund. He said that “Pat doesn't have a mink coat. But she does have a respectable Republican cloth coat.”And he vowed to keep Checkers, a cocker spaniel that had been a gift to his daughters. After the program, Republicans hailed Nixon as a hero. Eisenhower put his arm around Nixon when they next met and declared:“You're my boy.”Eisenhower and Nixon went on to defeat their Democratic opponents.他说他只收了人家送他的一条cocker spaniel(这是一种短腿、长毛、大耳朵下垂的小猎犬),“不论他们说什么,我们也把它留下来。”(Regardless of what they say about it, we're going to keep it.)当然一条小狗不能算是slush fund,所以Nixon当选了。       因为Wendy这个名字,发音有“文”的音,跟你中文名字正好呼应,我认为你可以像Pat一样,多用Wendy这个middle name也不错。 爸 爸 一九七五年四月六日
作者: 者敖之宴 2005-4-21 18:42   回复此发言

记印度阿三 亲爱的小文:   古时候,有人有一种特技,能够一只脚站很久,他向斯巴达(Sparta,在今天Greece)人说:“我不信你们有这本事。”(I do not believe you can do as much.)但斯巴达人回他一句,这有什么了不起,“每条鹅都能。”(True, but every goose can.)    古时候过去了,但现代仍有这种用一只脚站着显摆的人,这就是印度人。印度人这种鬼名堂多得很,一只脚站着,一只手举着,太阳底下晒着(standing exposed to the sun for many hours),拿大顶(remain with the head bent down),手握拳,让指甲穿过手心长出来(Keep their fists closed for years, so that the nails grow through the palm and out of the back of the hand.),或埋在地里几天,还活过来(remain buried for days at a time and emerge from their “graves” alive)。……    这些无聊的特技,都是印度人的本事。这一套本事,最像样的部分就叫“瑜伽”(yoga 1.(in Hindu religious philosophy)a system of ascetic practice, abstract meditation, and mental concentration, used as a method of attaining union with the supreme spirit. 2. a system of exercises or rigid physical positions for achieving serenity and well-being.),信瑜伽的就叫yogi,印度人很多都信。去年十月十九日爸爸给你信上提到的现在印度总理甘地夫人的爸爸(坐过十年半牢的),每天早起就要拿大顶,据说这样可relax himself(Nehru's wife died in 1936 and his only daughter is his official hostess. He likes playing with his two grandsons. Every morning he starts his day by standing on his head to relax himself.)。中国古话说,救老百姓是“解民倒悬”,如果老百姓都这样以“倒悬”为乐,那还解个屁!(上次信上谈到Peter要求倒钉十字架以表示他对他老师耶稣的敬意,大概Peter也是一个yogi!)    印度人好像脑袋顶上总要来点什么,“包头”是最起码的,其他头顶上的东西可多了!印度女人有一种“水壶舞”(The Dance of the Water Pots),每人头顶上顶了一把大铜茶壶,中国人要“顶天立地”,印度人只要“顶茶壶立地”就满意了,虽没中国人志气大,但比中国人实际而具体。    印度还有六百万头上顶自己胡子的人,这种人叫锡克(Sikhs),他们很早就主张男女平等,全世界最恨他们的人就是理发的,因为他们不理发,也不刮胡子(但他们如果擦皮鞋,就可能被理发的捉住,因为印度的理发馆看起来像个擦皮鞋的摊位)。    锡克人长得人高马大,是战士,常做警察和开计程车的(There are about six million Sikhs, and their picturesque appearance distinguishes them from the rest of the population. They are strong, tall and vigorous, and in cities often serve as policemen, watchmen and cab drivers.),所以理发的也不敢捉他们,也捉不到。锡克人为什么不理发呢,因为他们信锡克教,锡克教(Sikhism)不准,于是锡克人就把须发缠在一起,在头顶上用白布包起来。(Keeping the hair and beard tied in a knot above the head.)(The Sikhs' religion forbids them to cut their hair or beards. It strongly emphasizes the brotherhood of all men and forbids the drinking of alcohol. These soldiers have their hair fastened into a tightly-rolled topknot on the crown of the head and are wearing the characteristic beard retainer, a fine net attached to the ears at either end.)    锡克教虽然“一毛不拔”,但却集合了别的宗教的长处,主张平等。它的教主叫,是十五到十六世纪的人,为了信仰,死在牢里了。锡克教也不准喝酒,所以不但理发公会理事长恨他们,烟酒公卖局的局长也恨他们。
作者: 者敖之宴 2005-4-21 18:42   回复此发言

   你记得去年二月十六日爸爸给你谈牛的信上,提到的印度“牛被惯得可以在马路上逛”吗?这是因为印度有百分之八十五是印度教徒,印度教徒只拿牛耕田拉车,但不许吃牛肉,因为他们认为牛是神圣的。印度选举的时候,因为不认识字的人太多,不知道哪一党是哪一党,于是在选票上印上图画,用牛代表国大党(就是甘地夫人那一党),结果大家都投牛的票!(牛以外,monkeys and snakes也神圣。)    印度教(Hinduism)(The religious(Polytheistic)and social systems of the Hindus, developed from Brahmanism, and embodying animistic beliefs. The caste system is the chief characteristic.印度多神教,为婆罗门教的变相,并信灵魂造生命之说,社会阶级制度是它主要特点)虽然对牛客气,对人却极不客气。印度教把人分四种阶级(caste),每一阶级干什么,永远干什么(从爷爷的爷爷到孙子的孙子)。四阶级中,第三级是农人商人(甘地就属于这一级,甘地坐过近六年五个月的牢,爸爸在去年十月十九日信上跟你谈过),第四级是奴隶、仆人。另有一种不入级的叫“不能碰的”(Untouchables),连做奴隶、仆人都不准,甚至不准他们工作,只准讨饭(even forbidden to work, and can only beg),讨饭还不准在给钱的人的身边讨,要躲得远远的,钱由给钱的人丢在地下,Untouchables再去捡,直接给是不行的,这叫“授受不亲”!    Untouchables的影子碰到了上面说的四阶级都不行!被影子碰到了就得赶快洗澡!    Untouchables有六千万——台湾人口的四倍!    其他阶级的人,若犯了规,一被开除,就沦为Untouchables,所以大家都不敢,万一犯规,也缴罚金或吃牛屎喝牛尿(cow dung and cow urine)来求饶,下次再也不敢犯规了(promise never to sin again),因为一变成Untouchables就等于变成了political prisoner,谁都要躲着你了。    你看过《西游记》吗?西游记里唐僧、孙悟空、猪八戒去西天取经,就是去印度,印度是佛教(Buddhism)的发源地,佛教的教主是释迦牟尼(Sakyamuni),比耶稣大五六○岁,比孔夫子大十二岁。佛教很奇怪,它在印度传了一千年,传丢了——印度自己没了,却跑到别人家里去了,印度的邻居(像中国)和邻居的邻居(像日本),都到处是佛教徒,可是印度今天自己的佛教徒,只不过三四百万(两百多个人里头,才有一个信佛的),你说怪不怪?    其实也不怪,因为印度教把佛教吸收到它大口袋里头去了,所以今天的印度,还有很多很多佛教的痕迹,印度国旗中间那个脚踏车车轮子,就是佛教里头“法轮长转”的法轮(Flag of India. The saffron(orange-yellow)stripe is for courage and sacrifice;white is for truth and purity;and green for faith and chivalry, the wheel is an ancient symbol, the Dharma Chakra(Wheel of Law). Adopted in 1947),公元前三世纪的印度阿育王(Asoka)——他就是拼命把佛教传到别人家里去的家伙——有石狮子雕刻,下面就是这法轮。    又如两手“合十”,这也是佛教的习惯。去年十月十九日信上跟你提到的坐过一年一个月牢的political prisoner甘地夫人这个手势(gesture),你注意一下。    恒河(Ganges)是印度的大河,中国佛教里有“恒河沙数”的话,表示很多很多。印度教徒相信死后河葬可升天堂,所以不但在河里洗澡,把火葬后的骨灰也丢到河里去。    印度人火葬,因为相信人死了一烧,就可把灵魂烧出来,使灵魂从肉体里解脱出来(free the soul from the body)(中国直到宋朝才有火葬,《水浒传》你看过吗?打虎的武松哥哥即潘金莲的丈夫武大郎就是火葬的)。    印度的火葬是公开的露天的(public cremation),印度古习惯,丈夫死了,太太要在火葬时跳到火堆里陪死!英文叫suttee,印度人以前平均只活三十二岁(现在已到四十一岁了),丈夫很容易早死,一死太太就倒了霉,这种坏风俗,现在已经犯法了。(SUTTEE is a Hindu custom that people once practiced is India. Its name comes from the Sanskrit word sati, which means faithful wife. By the custom of suttee, a widow allows herself to be burned to death beside her husband's body on the funeral pyre. The pyre is a pile of material that burns easily. No one knows how the custom began. An ancient book states that a widow should lie by her husband's body on the funeral pyre. A few widows, especially the wives of kings, refused to leave the pyre and burned to death. In 1829, the British, then the rulers of India, made suttee illegal.)
作者: 者敖之宴 2005-4-21 18:42   回复此发言

   不过做印度人老婆,有一个人至少占了便宜,那就是三百年前印度国王沙迦罕(Shah Jahan)的老婆默哈儿(Mahal),她死后,她丈夫为她花了二十多年,修了一座漂亮的大坟——Taj Mahal,taj是阿拉伯文皇冠(crown)的意思。Taj Mahal是印度最有代表性的建筑,在印度Agra地方(地图上没有,爸爸为你点了一个小·点就在那儿)。它是全世界最漂亮的坟。(TAJ MAHAL at Agra, in north central India, the crowning jewel of Indo-Islamic architecture. A Mogul ruler, Shah Jahan, erected the monument as a tomb for a beloved wife, Arjumand Banu, better know by her title of Mumtaz Mahal or Taj Mahan 1(Crown of the Palace). In 1631 she died after bearing fourteen children in eighteen years. The construction of the tomb, begun the next year, employed some 20000 workmen for nearly twenty years.)    印度女人头上多点小点,叫“吉祥点”,她们披“纱丽”(sari),二十英尺长三英尺宽,不用裁缝(当然裁缝恨这东西)。有的女人穷得只有一件纱丽,所以没法洗换。(Many Indian men have partly adopted European dress. Indian women, however, remain loyal to the national costume, the sari, a garment which emphasizes their dignified and majestic bearing. The simple yet extremely elegant line of the sari is reminiscent of the costume of ancient Greece, while its striking colors, and gold and silver embroidery, are a further example of the Indians' love of bright things. The garment is a strip of cloth some twenty feet long and three feet wide. It is draped round the body without any pin or button being used. It is extremely simple in use and presents no dress-making problem.)    印度女人喜欢装饰品,甚至装饰到鼻子上,这当然要很有钱的才办得到。印度穷人根本没家,睡马路上,有钱的最阔的有十亿美金!这是最不对的事。英国人统治印度一九○年,这种现象当然英国人要负责任。 印度太穷,人太多(全世界中国人最多,其次是印度人)。    印度的宪法,是全世界最长的。(The constitution of India is the longest in the world.)    印度人吃饭用右手抓着吃,认为左手没右手干净。(他们这些怪毛病可真多!)(The various Hindu castes have different food laws. Most castes eat only with the right hand because they consider the left hand unclean. Some castes eat meat, and others eat fish but not meat. Some eat neither meat nor fish, but so eat eggs. Still others do not eat eggs.)    印度象比非洲象小一点,长得也不太一样。    就是中国的墨汁。就是中国的圣经纸。这两样东西明明是中国的却用上印度名字。    印度的蛇很多,每年咬死三十万人。印度有玩蛇的或弄蛇的(snake-charmer),在蛇面前吹笛子,其实蛇听不见,只是看他动作再跟着动。(Indian Snake Charmer may fool his audience, but he does not charm the snake. The cobra cannot hear the music of the flute. It sways merely to follow the movements of the charmer.)    印度人喜欢看猫鼬(mongoose)和眼镜蛇(cobra)大战,猫鼬的动作比蛇快,所以老是占上风。猫鼬鼬平时很温和,但看到蛇就凶得很。    印度最有名的文学家叫泰戈尔(Tagore),他到中国来过,得过Nobel Prize(诺贝尔奖),中国的一位学者梁启超,给Tagore起了一个中国名字叫“竺震旦”。(竺是天竺,古代中国叫印度是“天竺”,震旦是“中国”的另一叫法。)(TAGORE was an Indian poet, philosopher, and supporter of freedom for India. In his many poems and songs, he stirred pride among his Hindu countrymen. He also had a strong influence on the West. Tagore was influenced by European models in his writings. He was a mystical and religious poet, and saw God in all beauties of nature. He wrote prose and poetry in the Bengali Language. These have been translated into many languages. Tagore received the 1913 Nobel Prize in Iiterature.)    你可请姥姥替你买一本竺震旦的书看。《失群的鸟》也有人翻译成《漂鸟集》或《飞鸟集》。 爸 爸 一九七五年四月二十日 你送来的书、卡片、画片都收到。
作者: 者敖之宴 2005-4-21 18:42   回复此发言

萨摩亚与自挽诗 亲爱的小文:   南太平洋有十四个小岛叫萨摩亚(Samoa is a group of 14 islands in the South Pacific Ocean.),东边的一堆属于美国,叫American Samoa,西边的叫Western Samoa(西萨摩亚),是个小国家,只有台湾的十三分之一大,人口十八万,它出产的三种主要东西,念起来都有点口吃(结巴,stammer): 一、bananas(香蕉)——nana 二、cacao(可可)——caca 三、coconuts(椰子)——coco   一结结巴巴,就扯不清了,果然出了麻烦。    可可(cacao)是做巧克力(chocolate)和可可粉的,但可可粉的英文是cocoa,这个字看起来好像是coconuts(椰子)做出来的,所以大家都叫做椰子粉,其实只是可可粉,不是椰子粉。(Because of a mistake in spelling, probably made by English importers many years ago, these beans became known as cocoa beans in English-speaking countries. This causes many people to think the beans come from the coconut palm tree instead of the cacao tree.)    Samoa这地方气温很怪,十二月最热,七月最冷(December is the hottest month and July the coldest.)。Samoa人喜欢打cricket(板球),但不喜欢打cricket(蟋蟀),板球和蟋蟀,在英文中同一个字。 The crickets are chirping(or are crying).(蟋蟀在叫。) They are playing a match at cricket.(他们在做板球比赛。)    更喜欢在雨地里打。(Samoans love to stay out in a cooling rain.)(Samoans enjoy dancing very much. They also love to play their own version of cricket, a game they learned from the English missionaries. They play cricket with teams that may have from 10 to 300 players, compared to 11 players in normal cricket game.)    男女多穿一种叫lava-lava的裙子,其实就是一块布,卷成裙子。(Most Samoan men and some women wear only a lava-lava, a piece of cloth wrapped around the waist like a skirt. Some wear a blouse or shirt with their lava-lava. Most of the women wear dresses, or a skirt and blouse.)    在国会里开会也穿裙子。    他们的囚犯白天不坐牢,白天照常做自己的事,晚上才到牢里报到。并且监狱也没有铁栏杆(Prisoners live in jail without bars.),房子比平常住的还像样,因为他们平常只住四面通风的fale(open-sided fale),是用椰子树做材料搭起来的。(The people live in open-sided fale(house)that have a thatched roof supported by poles. They roll down palm leaf blinds when it rains.)    中国古话说“画地为牢”(to draw a circle on the ground for a prison, as was done in the “good old days”)、说“夜不闭户”(There's no need to close doors at night.)……这些世界大同的标准,西萨摩亚人都做到了。    西萨摩亚人并没有钱,他们每人每年只有七十五美金,就是每月六块美金(每天两毛钱),但他们不需要钱。    《金银岛》(Treasure Island)的作者斯蒂文森(R. L. Stevenson)九十年前死在西萨摩亚。只活了四十四岁(他的太太比他大十一岁),死前他写了一首《安魂曲》(Requiem)。(Requiem-1. A Mass for the repose of a departed soul or souls, 安魂祭(安去世灵魂的弥撒祭)。2. A setting of the Mass for the dead, 安魂曲(即死者弥撒祭时所奏之曲)的一段乐谱。Also, a piece of like character for other words, 又指吊歌、挽歌。3. Any grand musical service of hymn in honor of the dead, 对于死者表示敬意的严肃音乐演奏或壮丽的圣歌。)(中国的文学家陶渊明也写过《自祭文》。)爸爸把它翻译给你看: REQUIEM Under the wide and starry sky Dig the grave and let me lie. Glad did I live and gladly die, And I laid me down with a will. This be the verse you grave for me: Here he lies where he longed to be; Home is the sailor, home from sea, And the hunter home from the hill. 自挽诗 在星空之下,多么开朗, 掘一个坟,我就一躺, 我活得痛快,死得清爽, 我一心横卧,什么也不想。 请刻这首诗,在我坟场: 他躺的地方,正他所向往, 水手已回来,从那海上, 猎人已回来,从那山岗。   画片上小狗背后刻的诗,就是上面这首。    《金银岛》是一本写海盗的小说,你一定要看一看。写得非常好。英文的学校图书馆一定有,中文的翻译有开明书店的《宝岛》和东方出版社的两种带注音的《金银岛》。    你给爸爸的信、生日卡都收到,你的成绩单也收到,你的好成绩爸爸真高兴。文学家Henry James once praised Stevenson as “the only man in England who can write a decent English sentence.”(英国只有他能写出最好的英文句子)。爸爸盼你在班上也这样。 爸爸 一九七五年四月二十六日
作者: 者敖之宴 2005-4-21 18:42   回复此发言

素食种种 亲爱的小文:   英文里有四句诗: It's a very odd thing—— As odd as can be—— That whatever Miss T eats Turns into Miss T.(Walter de la Mare,“Miss T.”1913) (那真是顶怪顶怪的事,要怎么怪怎么怪,不论T小姐吃什么,结果都变成了T小姐。)   为什么吗?因为Miss T肚子里来了一套nutrition,中文叫“营养”。最重要的“营养素”(nutrients)是:   一、蛋白质(proteins)——蛋白质是增加和修补身体组织的材料,就好像房子的砖头一样。蛋白质不能存在身体里,所以要每天吃才行。   缺乏蛋白质就要得“垮十奥克尔”病。kwashiorkor—an often fatal condition of infants and young children caused by a protein deficiency in the diet. It occurs among poorer peoples of the world and cause stunted physical and mental growth, loss of hair pigment, swelling of tissues, etc. 非洲的小黑人很穷,吃的东西只是热量足,蛋白质不足,所以常得这种病。不但人,动物缺乏了蛋白质也不行,小老鼠缺乏蛋白质就长不大,走起路来也懒洋洋的。   食物中的蛋白质多没用,还得有“生理价”(Biological Value)才行,生理价就是包含“胺基酸”(amino acids)的多少,花生(peanuts)虽然蛋白质比蛋(eggs)多,但生理价却少,所以蛋的蛋白质最多,因为蛋白质的生理价最多。   动物性的蛋白质比植物性的蛋白质生理价多,所以吃肉少的或吃素的块头就小。   “素食主义”(vegetarianism)是很人道的,但缺乏蛋白质,是一个大问题。   很多名人是吃素的,这种人叫vegetarian,十八世纪法国大哲学家、思想家卢梭(Rousseau)是吃素的、十九到二十世纪的俄国文学家托尔斯泰(Leo Tolstoy)是吃素的、十九到二十世纪的英国文学家萧伯纳(George Bernard Shaw)是吃素的、爸爸一再跟你提到过的印度甘地(Gandhi)也是吃素的。吃素的人比较长寿,     Shaw活了九十四、Tolstoy活了八十二、Gandhi活了七十八(被刺的)、Rousseau活了六十六(传说被害),由此可见,蛋白质光吃植物性的好像也够了。   二、醣类(carbohydrates)——醣类给人energy,人走路、写字、打架、飞眼、大便……都需要能源,醣类就是电灯的电、汽车的汽油,醣类以糖最多,下面这个表,你可清楚地知道食物中糖占的百分比: Sugar            100    Banana 22.0 Rice             90.0   Corn 19.2 Prune            73.3   Potato 18.4 Molasses(cane)      69.3   Grapefruit 14.4 Oatmeal           67.5   Apple 14.2 Lima beans         65.9   Orange 11.6 White bread         53.1   Milk 4.9 whole-wheat bread      49.7   Celery 3.7   三、脂肪(fats)——也给人energy,人用不了,多余的脂肪便会存下来,于是变成胖了,变成Mr. Five-by-Five,像六姑父一样,六姑父再胖一点,就和图片上的大胖子一样。   四、维生素,就是维他命(vitamins)——维他命不能缺,缺了就生怪毛病,比如两只小猪一只缺了维他命B1,就长得不一样。缺乏维他命D,就得软骨病(rickets)。   五、矿物质(minerals)——缺了钙,牙齿和骨头就受影响。人身体里还需要别的许多矿物质。   六、水(water)——水占人体重的六○%—六五%。有人说女人是水做的,男人是泥做的,其实男女都是水做的。   营养病有两种,一种是营养不足(malnutrition),一种是吃得太好体重过重(overweight)。 爸 爸 一九七五年五月十日 姥姥和你五月一日信都收到。你的成绩比别的小朋友都好,爸爸真高兴。
作者: 者敖之宴 2005-4-21 18:43   回复此发言

专门吃大鱼 亲爱的小文:   中文俗谚:“大鱼吃小鱼,小鱼吃虾米。”   英文也有同样的话:“The great fish eaten up the small.”(Thomas Draxe,Bibliotheca,1616) 但有一种鱼可不然,他专门吃大鱼。   这种鱼叫“印鱼”(remora)。它在脑袋顶上有吸盘,吸住大鱼不放。尤其吸住鲨鱼(shark)不放。所以这种鱼,又叫“吸鲨鱼的”(shark sucker)。   鲨鱼是一个坏东西,所以这叫“恶人自有恶人磨。”Remora——any of certain fishes, found especially in tropical waters, with a sucker on the top of the head by which it can attach itself to ships, other fishes, etc. for transportation: This is the remora, hitch-hiker of the oceans, known to seafaring men the world over as the “pilot fish”or “shark sucker”(Science News letter).   印鱼因为是半路里杀出的家伙,所以又叫海里的hitch-hiker。   在路边搭便车,伸出大拇指,就叫hitch-hike。 爸 爸 一九七五年五月十八日   你请姥姥每周来看爸爸的时候,顺便从家里书架上取两本中文书带来,以翻译小说、章回小说、历史最理想,或什么书都可以。(不要买)
作者: 者敖之宴 2005-4-21 18:43   回复此发言

“海外人鱼” 亲爱的小文:   安徒生(Andersen)的童话你看了吗?童话里的丑小鸭(The Ugly Duckling)、国王的新衣(The Emperor’s New Clothes),你都记得吗?安徒生是丹麦(Danmark)人,一八七五年死的,今年正好是一百年。他童话里的小美人鱼(The Little Mermaid),被丹麦人做成铜像,放在首都哥本哈根(Copenhagen)的港口。   美人鱼并不是安徒生创造的,美人鱼是神话里的人儿,很早很早就有了。不谋而合的是,中国也有,中国小说《镜花缘》里说的“海外人鱼”——“上身宛似妇人,下身仍是鱼形”,就是她。   英国以前有一家美人鱼酒店(Mermaid Tavern, an inn once located on Bread Street, Cheapside, in the heart of old London: a meeting place and informal club for Elizabethan playwrights and poests.),是Shakespeare、Ben Jonson等文学家聚会的地方。Ben Jonson也坐过牢。   英文mermaid有两个意思。1.an imaginary female marine creature,having the head, torso, and arms of a woman and the tail of a fish.2.a highly-skilled girl swimmer, as a member of a swimming team.游泳游得好也叫mermaid。   小文,你要做美人鱼吗?   下周起信寄家里,因你放暑假了。   姥姥生日,你代爸爸送礼物。 爸 爸 一九七五年五月二十四日
作者: 者敖之宴 2005-4-21 18:43   回复此发言

他们六个 亲爱的小文:   你要爸爸给你讲六个科学家,好。现在就照你开来的名字讲。    第一个是亚里士多德(Aristotle),活了六十二岁。    公元前五到四世纪的时候,有四个人有师生关系,并且都是大名人,前三个人都是哲学家(philosophers),最后一个是东征西讨的皇帝Alexander the Great。    苏格拉底       柏拉图          亚里士多德       亚历山大   Socrates        Plato          Aristotle      Alexander        Socrates' greatest pupil  Plato's greatest pupil  Aristotle's greatest pupil   Aristotle的学问很大,是哲学家,也是教育家(educator),也是科学家(scientist),他在科学方面的著作有logic、physics、natural history、psychology……但他究竟是两千三百年前的人,他的科学有很多错误,比如他认为地球是宇宙中心,太阳星星绕地球转,这是错的;他认为月亮表面是光滑的,自己发光,这是错的;他认为同时下落,重的东西比轻的东西先着地,这是错的;他认为男人的牙比女人多,这也是错的,这大概是Mrs. Aristotle的牙掉了的缘故!    Aristotle的真正贡献,chief contribution是他把学问造成一个“继往开来”(to carry on the heritage so as to pave the way for future generations)的局面,使人类爱真理(truth)。       Aristotle在他的Ethica(ethics伦理学)中表示他爱老师Plato,但是更爱真理。在中国也有这种看法,叫“当仁不让于师”。(to yield to nobody when one is doing what is right;do not refuse to accept a reward or position which one deserves;to be behind none in the desire to benefit mankind.)Aristotle differed from Plato both in the aims of his philosophy and in the methods of his investigation. In his Ethica he states that, while both Plato and truth are dear to him, he is bound to prefer truth.    While Aristotle was a biologist of note, even if we allow for some rather peculiar lapses, his views on physics and astronomy were hopelessly muddled. Plato, combining the Milesian and Pythagorean traditions, had been much nearer the mark, and so were later Hellenistic scientists like Aristarchus and Eratosthenes. Aristotle's most famous contribution to systematic thought is probably his work in logic.    对Aristotle在science方面的conclusion是——300's B.C. Aristotle's studies in logic and classification contributed to the foundations of science.    第二个科学家——伽利略(Galileo),活了七十八岁。Galileo was the first great experimenter and the father of modern astronomy. He was also an outstanding mathematician. Galileo说    Aristotle认为重东西先落地,不对,他跑上比萨斜塔(the Leaning Tower of Pisa),拿两个不同重量的球实验,结果证明Aristotle错了。——但别人都错的时候,他一个人对没有用,他被大学赶走了。    Galileo又印了一本书,说太阳不动,动的是地球,于是,惹起公愤,虽然他对了。——但别人都错的时候,他一个人对没有用,他被抓到“宗教裁判所”,宗教法庭(Inquisition)。Inquisition动不动就把人烧死,因为Galileo是大学者,又太老了(七十岁),又有点后台(有贵人保护),又“认错”,于是“优待”,改判为“终身软禁”(permanent house arrest)。House arrest, a form of arrest in which a person is confined under guard in his own house:Authorities insisted no one had been jailed but said some strikers were under house arrest.(Tuscaloosa News)
作者: 者敖之宴 2005-4-21 18:43   回复此发言

   他“认错”以后,偷偷在一个朋友耳边说:“但它(地球)还在动啊!”Yet it does move!(Epur si muove!)    他被关在家里,大诗人John Milton(当时三十岁),到Italy旅行,到Galileo家里拜访,Galileo已经瞎了,真巧,十四年后,Milton也瞎了。    John Milton, an English poet and political writer, wrote one of the world's greatest epics, Paradise Lost.(一六六七)He composed this famous epic and two other works, Paradise Regained(一六七一)and Samson Agonistes(一六七一), when he was totally blind. Milton Galileo的头脑比时代新,所以老是倒霉。这叫“生不逢辰”(born at a wrong time;luckless;unlucky)。    对Galileo在science方面的conclusion是——c. 1600 Galileo emphasized the mathematical interpretation of experiments in science. He discovered many important physical laws. 第三个科学家——哈维(William Harvey),活了七十九岁。    中文有句成语叫“周而复始”(to repeat the cycle all over again)血在人身体里就是周而复始的。发现这一现象很不容易。    但是哈维发现了。哈维也指出过Aristotle的错误,但对Aristotle的敬爱并不因而减少。哈维有一个大阔佬病人,也是他的好朋友,就是当时英国的皇帝King Charles I。后来Charles I倒台,在Oxford地方哈维的许多稿本都被反对皇帝的人destroyed了,Their loss caused him great sorrow.    对William Harvey在science方面的conclusion是——1628 William Harvey published his theory on the circulation of the blood.    第四个科学家——波义尔(Robert Boyle),活了六十四岁。    波义尔是哲学家、物理学家、化学家(Boyel was a philosopher, a physicist and a chemist),“the father of modern chemistry”。    英国最有名,也是世界最有名的学术团体——皇家学会(the Royal Society)创办的时候,本来要请Boyel做会长,但因为他在religion方面的原因不愿宣誓,所以没做。(While at Oxford he was the leader of a group of scientists known as the Invisible College, which in 1663 was incorporated as the Royal Society of London. Although Boyle was invited to be president of this organization in 1680, he refused because he had religious scruples against taking an oath. Boyle was deeply religious. At Geneva he had been under strong Calvinist influence which deeply impressed him and gave his life a serious character.)    ROYAL SOCIETY is the oldest scientific society in the world and probably the most famous. The full title of the organization is The Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge. It grew out of weekly meetings which London scientists held as early as 1645. In 1660, the society was officially organized with the approval of King Charles II.(就是Charles I的儿子。)    In 1662, the society was formally incorporated by charter of Charles II as the Royal Society of London for Promoting Natural Knowledge, or, as it is popularly known, the Royal Society. From its earliest years, the Society maintained correspondence with Continental philosophers, and selections from this correspondence became the world-famous Philosophical Transactions. Sir Isaac Newton was the Society's president from 1703 until his death in 1727. In the approximately 300 years of its existence, the Society has sponsored numerous scientific expeditions and extensive research, including, in recent years, a notable series of investigations of tropical diseases.
作者: 者敖之宴 2005-4-21 18:43   回复此发言

   对Boyle在science方面的conclusion是——1660's Robert Boyle applied the scientific method to chemistry.    第五个科学家——牛顿(Isaac Newton),活了八十五岁。    Galileo死的那年(Jan.8, 1642),就是Newton生的那年(Dec.25, 1642)。    Galileo死在年头,Newton生在年尾。他们都没结婚,但Galileo有两个女儿一个儿子。Galileo的一些观察是错的,他虽然把球从斜塔朝下丢,但并没发现落体的真正速度,也没成立定律(law),直到Newton出来,才完成了这一解释。牛顿是个“遗腹子”(an infant born after the death of its father;a posthumous child),从小妈妈不在身边,跟姥姥长大,他从小就喜欢科学。    ①Newton discovered that sunlight is a mixture of light of all colors. He passed a beam of sunlight through a glass prism and studied the colors that were produced.(By passing a beam of sunlight through a prism, Newton showed that white light is made up of the rainbow's colors.)    ②He made great discoveries in the field of mathematics. He is credited with inventing integral and differential calculus.(微积分)    ③He was the first to state the laws of gravitation. Newton的成绩,英国诗人Alexander Pope有两句诗描写得最好:    Nature and Nature's laws lay hid in night: God said, Let Newton be!and all was light. (Alexander Pope:Epigram on Sir Isaac Newton) In 1705 Newton was knighted by Queen Anne. 所以他名字前面有Sir.就是爵士。热门音乐中文也翻成爵士,但那是jazz的译音,并不真的是爵士,并且乱扭乱唱,一点也不爵士。 Newton虽然有那么大的成绩,但他很谦虚(humble),他说: To myself seem to have been only like a boy playing on the sea-shore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me. 对Newton在science方面的conclusion是——1687 Sir Isaac Newton published the Principia, which summarized basic of mechanics. Newton formulated the laws of gravitation and motion and contributed greatly to the theories of light and optical science. 第六个科学家——爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein),活了七十六岁。    爱因斯坦是German(德国人),又变成了Swiss(瑞士人),又变成了German,又变成了American(美国人),但他的blood是Jew(犹太人)。他帮助Jews复国,但成立Israel(以色列)的时候,他拒绝做总统,结果由他的朋友,会六国语言的Weizmann做了。    Einstein的新学说是“相对论”(the Theory of Relativity),使Newton的学说一部分动摇。    Albert Einstein, the German-American physicist, rejected Newton's explanation of universal gravitation but not the fact of its operation. He said that his own work would have been impossible without Newton's discoveries. He also said that the concepts Newton developed “are even today still guiding our thinking in physics”.    人类能够利用原子能(atomic power),就是从Einstein来的,没有Einstein,就没有原子弹(atomic bomb)用来war,也没有原子能用来peaceful uses。    对Einstein在science方面的conclusion是——1905 Albert Einstein presented his Special Theory of Relativity. Einstein developed the theory of relativity which revised older theories of time and space, and led to the use of atomic power. 爸 爸 一九七五年五月三十一日    五月十八日信上托姥姥每周办的事,姥姥办了吗?
作者: 者敖之宴 2005-4-21 18:43   回复此发言

从鸭嘴兽到水獭 一 亲爱的小文:   一个半世纪前,科学家刚听说有一种下蛋的哺乳动物(egg-laying mammal),他们都不相信,说胡扯(a hoax),没想到世界上真有这么一种动物,就是“鸭嘴兽”(platypus)。鸭嘴兽只在澳洲(Australia)东海岸才有,澳洲也叫澳大利亚,是一个国家。   澳洲本来跟亚洲连在一起,但在五千万年以前分开了,所以它自己成为一个特别的地方,老是有些全世界只有它有别人没有的怪东西,鸭嘴兽就是其中之一。(Australia has many kinds of strange animals not found on other continents. This is because the bridge of land that once connected Australia with Asia disappeared about 50 million years ago. From then on, most of Australia's animal life developed independently)   另外一种只有澳洲有的小动物,就是koala,爸爸有一封信专门跟你谈过它,你记得吗?   Koala means “no drink”, and the aboriginal word well describes the gentle marsupial that draws moisture only from its food, the leaves of certain eucalyptus,(油加里树,也叫桉树,是常绿乔木,长得很快)or gum trees. With oddly arranged fingers-the first two oppose the other three-a koala clings to a branch in a sanctuary at Waikerie. Phascolarctos cinereous faced extinction by fur hunters until the 1920's, when conservation laws began to protect the continent's dozens of marsupial species.   Koala也叫袋鼠熊(kangaroo bear)。   袋鼠(kangaroo)也只有澳洲有。袋鼠前面两只手,很会打拳(boxing),后面两脚,很能跳,大尾巴在跳的时候可帮忙保持平衡(balance)。   美国有俗语“袋鼠法庭”kangaroo court, U.S. Informal. an unauthorized or unofficial court, usually self constituted, as a mock court by prisoners in a jail or a frontier court:…shot down over North Korea in 1952 and condemned to prison by a Red kangaroo court.(Newsweek),类似中文所说的“私设公堂”。以前在Kangaroo州,法官巡回各地办案,由这跑到那,很像袋鼠跳来跳去,所以叫袋鼠法庭。(Kangaroo court:A kangaroo court is an illegal mock or sham court, usually one set up by inmates of a prison to levy fines and punishment on other inmates who violate the “code”. Such organizations, usually very informal in nature, exist in most large prisons and are even encouraged by some wardens as a useful device for maintaining order. The name probably originated at the time when Australia, land of the kangaroo, was the penal colony for the British Empire. The term has occasionally-and inaccurately-been applied to the kind of roadside justice of the peace court which exists only to collect fines from motorists caught in speed traps.)   当然这个kangaroo court是来自有kangaroo的地方才对。澳洲有袋鼠,澳洲以前又是英国的天然监狱,所以kangaroo court的观念(idea)是从澳洲来的。   英国本来把political prisoners朝美国送的,美国独立以后,英国要找个地方送prisoners,于是选中澳洲,自一七八七年起,英国在八十年间,送了十六万八千prisoners到澳洲,当时路上很苦,要走四个月。一七八八年初,prisoners在现在悉尼地方,建了settlement,悉尼就是Sydney,Sydney是当时英国内政大臣的名字,大概是为了拍马屁,才这么叫的。   悉尼人口不过二○○万,世界最大的船也可以开到港里去,是世界上最好的港口之一,也是澳洲最老资格的城市。   丹麦建筑师Utzon设计了Sydney Opera House,后面就是Harbour Bridge,这座桥重五万吨。
作者: 者敖之宴 2005-4-21 18:43   回复此发言

  澳洲是脱离英国而独立的国家,所以受英国影响很重,连国旗里面都有英国旗。马路上走,也靠左走,英国就是靠左的(最早宣布澳洲是英国的人是科克船长Captain James Cook,他是发现Hawaii的探险家。五十一岁的时候,在Hawaii被土人杀了。)(Captain James Cook landed at Botany Bay, south of Sydney, in 1770. He claimed Australia's entire east coast for Great Britain.)   首都堪培拉(Canberra),有一千五百万以上的树,它的议会大厦(Parliament House),尤其漂亮。   墨尔本(Melbourne)的名字是一个英国首相的名字,也是拍马屁来的。它的植物园、美术馆,都很有名,有三座大学。本来是首都,一九二七年迁都到堪培拉去了。   澳洲南部有两个有名的岛:   一个是塔斯曼尼亚(Tasmania)岛,也曾是英国关prisoners的地方,用了五十年。岛上有一种塔斯曼尼亚狼,母的也有袋鼠一样的袋,不过是装在背上,不在肚皮上。The Tasmanian wolf's genus name, Thylacinus, means “pouched dog”. The female has a pouch which opens backwards and contains four teats. The pouch is large enough to hold four pups, although the usual number of young in a litter is two. The period of gestation is not known, but it is probably a little less than one month. The young are born hairless and blind in an incomplete, almost embryonic state of development. They are carried in the pouch for three months-the duration of their semi embryonic life. The cubs are then deposited in a nest of dry leaves and grass until they are old enough to hunt for themselves.   塔斯曼尼亚有台湾两倍大,你看台湾多小!岛上原有一种大牙齿的土人,现在已绝种了。   另一个岛是袋鼠岛(Kangaroo Island),岛的北边,就面对阿得雷德(Adelaide)城。它是澳洲考第三的大城。(Adelaide, South Australia's capital, is a well planned city, rich in parks and gardens. It is near the great Gulf St. Vincent, 90 miles long, 45 miles across.)   在澳洲东北海岸外面,有一二五○英里长的珊瑚礁(大堡礁,The Great Barrier Reef),有声有光,景象离奇,非常好看。好看是好看,可是船很难走,科克船长的船曾在这一带三次遇险。The Great Barrier Reef is one of Australia's most popular tourist attractions. It is the largest coral reef in the world, stretching for about 1250 miles along the coast of Queensland. The reef has thousands of islands and underwater coral formations. The sandy beaches of the islands and the interesting sea life of the reef mark it an ideal spot for skin diving. 珊瑚礁中有一岛叫“绿岛”(Green Island),真巧,台湾也有一个绿岛!   羊有绵羊(sheep)和山羊(goat)两种,山羊(billy goat)有胡子,还有羊骚味(goaty odor)。   羊奶可以造干酪(cheese)和“牛”油,可以从羊身上得到羊毛。   羊毛出在羊身上(literally)Without a sheep, there can be no wool.—The benefit comes, after all, from a price one has paid. Whatever is the expense, somebody is going to pay for it.做衣服,其他还可吃羊肉、用羊皮、做肥皂、做网球拍……羊的用处多极了!(Sheep yield wool, meat, and leather. They also furnish the raw materials for many byproducts, such as glue, tallow, suet, soap, fertilizer, cosmetics, and the catgut used in stringing tennis rackets.)   澳洲的羊,占世界第一位。占全世界六分之一。(Long famous as a land of sheep, Australia is the world's leading producer and exporter of wool and mutton and is a major producer and exporter of beef and wheat. Australia is also a highly industrialized country. Large deposits of coal and iron have become the basis for an iron and steel industry, white an expanding economy provides a large domestic market for a wide range of goods and services.)
作者: 者敖之宴 2005-4-21 18:43   回复此发言

  澳洲平均每个人有十四头羊(澳洲旁边的纽西兰(New Zealand)每人有二十头),而中国人平均十个人分不到一头,这太不公平了!(In Australia, there are about 14 sheep for every person. In New Zealand, there are about 20 sheep for every person. Some states in the western United States also have more sheep than people.)   过分的不公平,没有的人就会叫,这叫“不平则鸣”。(Those who are discriminated again will complain.)   澳洲比台湾大二二二倍,但人口比台湾还少!   亚洲人口平均每方英里(persons to the square mile)一二二人;澳洲人口平均每方英里四人。   澳洲“得天独厚”to be particularly favored by nature (said of a land rich in natural resources or a gifted person)却是从不公平来的。澳洲有“白澳政策”,限制有色人种到他们那儿去。但白种人又少,所以将来问题一定很多,不是铁蒺藜(barbed-wire fence)拦得住的。澳洲人自己也说:“We've got a big, empty country here, and we have to fill it up. You Know,‘populate or perish’”   澳洲的政策是错误的、自私的(wrong and selfish),这叫“狗占马槽”(dog in a manger describes a person who keeps others from using something that he himself cannot use. It comes from Aesop's fable of a dog that crawled into a manger of hay and prevented a horse from eating, even though dogs do not eat hay.),也叫“占着毛坑不拉屎”,这种人只希望“不惹睡狗”(Let sleeping dogs lie, means to leave a situation undisturbed.)“维持现状”“相安无事”。但这怎么行呢?“每条狗都有得意的一天。”(Every dogs has his day, is an expression used when something pleasant happens to a person, especially one who has been having bad luck.)别的狗会睡醒,澳洲虽然是down-under(在世界另一边),别的穷狗还是会咬到它的。 爸 爸 一九七五年六月八日
作者: 者敖之宴 2005-4-21 18:43   回复此发言

从鸭嘴兽到水獭 二 亲爱的小文:   你这次信封上写的中文很有进步。   鸭嘴兽只有澳洲有,水獭却只有澳洲没有。   水獭是OTTER,is a fur-bearing animal that spends much of its time in the water. Otters are related to the weasels and are carnivorous(flesh-eating)mammals. They live on all continents except Australia. They are divided into two groups, river otters and sea otters.   人会仰泳(backstroke),但水獭却更神气,它会仰吃,它在水里“仰面朝天”地吃,这才叫“仰不愧天”(to feel no shame before God)呢!   水獭还是一个会用工具的家伙(a tool user),它吃蛤蜊(clam),会朝石头上敲,你说它多聪明!   每只水獭的皮,可卖到二千五百美金,就是台湾十万块。全世界都不准杀它,所以它的皮就特别值钱。人死了,臭皮没人要,但许多动物死了,皮却成了“千金裘”,这真是“豹死留皮”啊!   豹死留皮(literally)A leopard leaves behind its skin when it dies. A man has a reputation to leave to posterity when he dies. 爸 爸 一九七五年八月十七日
作者: 者敖之宴 2005-4-21 18:44   回复此发言

“那么让他们吃饼嘛!” 一 亲爱的小文:   法文有一个字叫“顾而媚”(gourmet),就是讲究吃的人(a connoisseur in eating and drinking,善于判别饮食美恶之人;an epicure,美食者),很像中文中的“老饕”,但老饕有一点挖苦的意味。法国的“烹饪”被当做一种艺术(Cooking is considered an art by the French. They are world famous for their salads, sauces, and soups. Almost every region, city, and restaurant of France has its own food specialty. These specialties include truffles(mushroomikel plants)in the Guyenne region, snails in Burgundy, sausages in Arles and Lyou, omelets in Mont St. Michel, and pressed duck in Paris.),一个笑话说美国人嚼口香糖去饭店,法国饭店老板(patron,注意英文patron和法文patron意思不同)拒绝伺候他——阁下嘴含“橡皮”,安能品味!    法国人因为讲究吃,所以foods的花样也多,cheeses就有两百多种做法。法国的党(party)也多,十个以上(美国英国只有两党),法国英雄戴高乐(Charles de Gaulle)说有两百多种cheese花样的国家岂能只有一个党?(How can one conceive of a one-party system in a country that has over two hundred varieties of cheese.)戴高乐也坐过牢,后来当了法国总统。    戴高乐的一个老上司叫贝当(Pétain),第一次世界大战时防守凡尔登(Verdun),曾说:“他们过不来!”(They shall not pass!)成为抗德英雄。但是二十四年后,在第二次世界大战的时候,他竟同德国人合作了,那时他已八十四岁。到了八十九岁,被判死刑。戴高乐给他减为无期徒刑(life imprisonment)。他真能活,活到九十五岁才死在牢里!他大概是全世界年纪最大的囚犯了。    凡尔登是名战场,有“国觞”(a martyr to the national cause)五十万。    贝当的国防部长叫魏冈(Weygand),被判无罪,虽然坐了三年多牢,但最后证明清白。魏冈也真能活,活了九十八岁!    还有一个能活的,是法国在第一次世界大战时的总理克里蒙梭(George Clemenceau),活了八十八岁。死的时候叫护士走开,他说他不要死在女人面前!他要人把他的棺材立起来,他说他死也要站着死!他的外号叫“老虎”(The Tiger),这个人有多历害,可想而知。    第一次世界大战德国没能打进Paris去,最后,德国失败了,于是开了一个“巴黎和会”,在法国凡尔赛宫开的,凡尔赛(Versailles, The Palace of Versailles was built by Louis XIV in the 1600's. Now a national museum, it contains exhibits of fine painting and sculpture.)可比凡尔登贵多了。法国代表是老虎总理,美国是威尔逊总统(Woodrow Wilson),爸爸跟你谈过威尔逊,威尔逊的像,印在十万美金的钞票上面,你还记得吗?    凡尔赛离Paris十一miles,有六百多间房子,有三百多年了。五十多年前,美国大富翁洛克菲勒(John D. Rockefeller, Jr.)——就是现在美国副总统的老子,送了近三○○万美金重修,所以房子虽老,还很漂亮。 法国大革命的时候,皇帝和皇后(皇帝是路易十六Louis XIV,皇后是玛丽·安托瓦内特Marie Antoinette)正在凡尔赛宫。当时老百姓吵着要面包,手下报告说巴黎大乱,“因为他们没有面包。”(Because they have no bread.)皇后说:“那么让他们吃饼嘛!”(Then let them eat cake.)中国也有这种不知道民间疾苦的笑话,在玛丽·安托瓦内特说这话前一千五百年,中国大乱,手下向皇帝(晋惠帝)报告老百姓没饭吃了,皇帝奇怪,反问:“他们为什么不吃肉啊?”(“何不食肉糜?”)(糜congee;porridge;rice gruel)后来玛丽·安托瓦内特死在断头台(guillotine)上。断头台是一个医生发明的。    法国女人在政治上,虽然到一九四五年才与男人平等,但有影响力,却早在一九四五年以前,只是多不得好死。玛丽·安托瓦内特死的时候三十八岁,另外一个比她小一半的,十九岁就被烧死的,是圣女贞德(Joan of Arc)。她的“事业”表现在奥尔良(Orléans),她死在鲁昂(Rouen),她是法国的民族女英雄(the national, heroine of France),虽然她死的罪名却是假的。(condemned as a witch, Joan of Arc was burned at the stake in 1431 in the market place at Rouen, France. Later, in 1456, the pope pronounced her innocent. She was declared a saint in 1920.)    在玛丽·安托瓦内特才九岁的时候,一个四十三岁的名女人死在凡尔赛宫,她是路易十六的爷爷路易十五Louis XV的情妇(mistress),她影响了法国政治二十年,名字是蓬巴杜夫人(Madame de Pompadour)。她对文学、艺术很赞助(to patronize),被她赞助的人中,有一个叫伏尔泰(Voltaire)。伏尔泰是philosopher(哲学家)、poet(诗人)、historian(历史家)、novelist(小说家)、dramatist(戏剧家)、satirist(讽刺家)。他因为文章惹祸,在Bastille监狱住过,他的文字极有影响力,影响到French Revolution——在他死后第十一年,French Revolution发生,捣毁Bastille了。    伏尔泰写文章惹祸太多,他虽生在巴黎,可是在外面二十八年,无法回老家。他很会做生意,赚了钱,在法国靠瑞士日内瓦(Geneva)边上,造了住宅,法国抓他,他就逃到瑞士;瑞士抓他,他就逃到法国,他说哲学家该在地下有两三个洞以防走狗抓他们(Philosophers should always have two or three holes under ground against the dogs hunting them.)。中国古话说“狡兔三窟”(A wily rabbit has three burrows.),他真是狡哲三窟啊!    下周续写法国。 爸 爸 一九七五年六月二十一日
作者: 者敖之宴 2005-4-21 18:44   回复此发言

“那么让他们吃饼嘛!” 二 亲爱的小文:   法国最大的河叫卢瓦尔河(Loire River),河边有许多古堡(chateaus),非常好看,爸爸替你找了四种——Cheverny、Chambord、Chaumont、Chenonceaux。从画片上,你可以知道castles in Spain(西班牙)是“空中楼阁”。但在法国却不是“空中楼阁”,而是地上的,真的。    再写四个有French的词念给你: 一、French doors(法兰西式两用门)门上有玻璃,像是窗户。 二、French horn(法国号)。 三、French leave(不辞而别)。 四、French walk(逐出室外)这是美国俗语,也叫the bum's rush,是抓一个人,把他推到房子外面去。 意大利人看起来聪明,人也聪明; 西班牙人看起来聪明,人也傻瓜; 法国人看起来傻瓜,人却聪明; 美国人看起来傻瓜,人也傻瓜;    爸爸决定给你买架录音机,你把下面一页信给姥姥看。 爸 爸 一九七五年六月二十九日   一、买卡式(cassette)中最新式的一种,就是全自动往复回卷正反面那种。   二、台湾百鹰股份有限公司总代理美国神鹰美格福斯(Magnavox)牌有最新式的。别的牌子如也有,要买名牌的,像索尼(sony)等。   三、最小型的最方便,但每次只能装一盒(一卷录音带)小文如想买大一点的录音机,可买美格福斯IK 8844型那种(可装进十二盒,连续录放),声音也比最小型的好。   四、要托小彭以他电器同业身份买,可打到大折扣。
作者: 者敖之宴 2005-4-21 18:44   回复此发言

嘴含一根草 亲爱的小文: 你看这四张画片多有意思。 黑猩猩 我是黑猩猩, 嘴含一根草。 事事看不惯, 专门把乱捣。 你说我很坏, 我说你不好。 将来有机会, 走上苏花公路我就朝你屁股踢一脚! 大袋鼠 我是大袋鼠, 嘴含一根草。 你跳我先跳, 你跑我先跑。 虽然不爱钱, 钱也不能少。 不然没钞票, 怎么应付袋里那位要喝苹果西打的小宝宝? 场拨鼠① 我是场拨鼠, 嘴含一根草。 只学狗儿叫, 不学狗儿咬。 专门办丧事, 埋了才拉倒。 这样够朋友,东南西北天上人间你到哪儿找? 美人儿② 我是美人儿, 嘴含一根草。 不怕心儿变, 就怕人儿老。 人老珠儿黄, 红颜变大嫂。 还是趁早演个美国杨贵妃, 一天洗它一百一十一个澡! 爸 爸 一九七五年八月三日 ①场拨鼠(Prairie dog)叫起来像dog叫,所以英文叫Prairie dog,这种小动物很能保护同类,这正是人类所不能完全做到的“守望相助”;同类死了或被别人害死了,场拨鼠还会把死的埋起来,这正是人类所不能完全做到的“养生送死”。 ②姥姥会记得这们美人儿,她就是电影明星洛丽泰扬。
作者: 者敖之宴 2005-4-21 18:44   回复此发言

我的本领就是臭 亲爱的小文:   中文成语:“各人自扫门前雪(Everybody minds his own business.),休管他人瓦上霜(the frost on neighbor's roof-none of one's business.)。”用英文来说,就是Let every man skin his own skunk.(让每个人剥他自己的臭鼬的皮)。    臭鼬以它的自卫(self-defense;to defend oneself)方法出名,它可以从十二英尺远,由屁股眼射出臭水,立刻“臭气冲天”(stinking smell assaulting one's nostrils),除非你和它“臭味相投”(persons of similar(atrocious)taste;a meeting of(dirty)minds),否则一定大败而逃。 驴用脚自卫,狗用嘴自卫,象用鼻子自卫,臭鼬用屁股眼自卫。    臭鼬“所向无敌”(to encounter no significant opponent on the way;undefeatable;invincible),除了一种大角猫头鹰(great horned owl)不怕它臭以外,谁都怕。    臭鼬的臭水蕴藏量(deposit)丰富,可以连发六次,好像人类的左轮手枪(左轮可连发六次,所以也叫six-shooter),但人类的手枪要执照(a license),臭鼬的“水枪”却自由。 被臭鼬的水枪命中(to hit the target)以后,要用汽油或番茄汁才能洗净。 一二三, 四五六。 我是小臭鼬, 本领就是臭。 从东臭到西, 从左臭到右, 谁惹就臭谁, 除非你带汽油番茄汁, 否则臭你一下就没救。   无独有偶(It happens that there is a similar case.),植物中有一种叫skunkweed或skunk cabbage的,也臭得要死,意思是“臭鼬草”,中国叫“地涌金莲”,也叫“坐禅草”。       skunk cabbage. 1. A broad-leaved plant, of the arum family, which sends up in the spring a spathe of a disgusting odor, 地涌金莲(天南星科之阔叶植物,春季发佛焰花,其味令人作呕)。2. A somewhat similar plant of the Pacific coast states, 观音莲(美国太平洋沿岸各州所产与地涌金莲略同之植物)。 爸 爸 一九七五年八月十日
作者: 者敖之宴 2005-4-21 18:44   回复此发言

飞上枝头看“飞枝” 亲爱的小文:   爸爸坐牢前一年(一九七○),太平洋(Pacific Ocean)里有一个小国独立了,她只有台湾一半大,名字叫飞枝(Fiji),她原是英国的,所以国旗里头有四分之一的地方是英国国旗。   飞枝有两个大岛,八○○个小岛。加在一块儿叫飞枝群岛(Fiji Islands)。   飞枝共有五十万人,里头有中国人。   飞枝的国都叫Suva(Capital and Commercial Center of the Fiji Island is Suva. Banks, office, and stores are located in central Suva.)。   飞枝的警察若跑到台湾来,一定被台湾的警察抓起来,罪名是“有伤风化”(harmful to public morals)——因为飞枝的警察穿裙子,这种裙子叫sulu,裙子很瘦,下面是锯齿(teeth of a saw)状的,怪里怪气,台湾的警察一看一定大生气特生气,于是就抓起来了。   所以大概飞枝警察不敢到台湾来。   飞枝的男人也有裙子穿,这种裙子叫tapa skirts,比较短上面有花。他们当然也“有伤风化”,所以也不敢到台湾来。   现代的飞枝人虽然怕台湾警察,胆子很小,但他们以前胆子可不小,他们是吃人肉的(cannibals——A human being that eats human flesh吃人肉的人;by extension, any animal that eats its own kind,广义来说,吃同类的动物),还是猎头的(head-hunters. head-hunting, n. The custom, characteristic esp. of heathen Malayan peoples, of decapitating enemies and preserving their heads as trophies. 奉异教的马来民族所特有的斩敌人头留作战胜纪念品的习俗)。   世界上土人有的吃人肉不猎头,有的猎头不吃人肉,飞枝的土人两样全来,真凶来兮(兮,an adjunct with no independent meaning,roughly equivalent to “Oh”or“Ah” in English.)。   以前台湾的土人,除兰屿的雅美族以外,都猎头,不吃肉。他们猎到一个最有名的头就是吴凤的(吴凤,Wu Feng, an official who, when head hunting was still common among the aborigines of Taiwan, ended the practice at the cost of his own life in 1768.)。   这样看来,台湾的警察大概也不敢到飞枝去,因为搞不好,飞枝人发起疯来,野蛮复兴,两样来一样,台湾的警察都吃不消(cannot stand or bear;too much to take or endure)。   Fijians once were cannibals and head-hunters, Most of them are now Christians, but they still observe local customs. They make outrigger canoes from hollowed logs. They also manufacture pottery and personal ornaments of shell, bone, and boar's tusks. A small clan living near Viti Levu still practices the ancient custom of fire walking. Performers do not walk on fire, but on hot stones. Fijians drink kava(yanggona in Fijian), a strong but non-in toxicating drink made from the root of a pepper plant. The drink partially numbs the tongue and lips. Fijians use it as part of most ceremonies. They celebrate every occasion with dancing.   Most Fijians grow crops or catch fish for a living, but many work for the Europeans as clerks, carpenters, and police. People of Indian descent grow most of the island's sugarcane, and they also keep dairy cattle. Miners take gold, copper, and iron from the rocks of the lager island. The Fiji Island produce coconuts, sugar, gold, timber, and tobacco. They ship tropical fruits to Australia and New Zealand. Most eastern Fiji Islands are volcanic. They only industry there is making copra(dried coconut meat). 爸 爸 一九七五年九月七日 [后记]这封信中所引有关吴凤的英文解说,自然是从“神话”立论的。事实上,吴凤是因背约、骂人、与曹族格斗下被杀的。详见连横《吴凤列传》。
作者: 者敖之宴 2005-4-21 18:45   回复此发言

古国神游 亲爱的小文:   埃及(Egypt)是非洲国家。但她伸了一只胳臂到亚洲,这胳臂就是西奈半岛(Sinai)。胳肢窝(armpit)那里开了条块100 miles长的苏伊士运河(the Suez Canal)。苏伊士运河缩短了从英国到印度的距离,缩短6000 miles。    苏伊士运河挖了十年才挖成,现在已经一○六岁了。挖它的人是法国外交家李希普(De Lesseps),他在六十四岁那年挖成。他有挖运河的瘾,又去挖巴拿马运河(the Panama Canal),结果公司倒闭,差点坐牢,因为他八十四岁了,所以免了。    中国的隋炀帝,也喜欢挖运河,后来也倒了霉。大概土地神不喜欢人家挖他。    埃及的棉花最有名。    埃及的首都是开罗(Cairo),已经有一三三五年历史(A. D. 640年就有了)。    Cairo bazaars很有名,bazaar是东方的小工艺品商店(1. In the East, an exchange, market place, or assemblage of shops, 市场、商场(东方的)。2. A spacious hall or suite of rooms for the sale of goods, as at a fair, 百货商场。also, a fair for the sale of fancy wares, toys, etc. commonly for a charitable object, 又指售卖珍玩以充善举的市场)。    埃及最有名的是三十五座金字塔(pyramid)。    金字塔有十个足球场那么大。    金字塔是埃及国王(埃及叫法老Pharaoh)的坟,里面有金银财宝,所以老是被偷。所以以后的埃及国王就不盖金字塔了。    金字塔要四十万人盖二十年。古时候人对修坟可真有耐心,小文你记得爸爸跟你谈过的印度那座大坟Taj Mahal吗?那坟也盖了二十多年才盖好。    金字塔前面的狮身人面像,叫Sphinx(the “Strangler”)。最有名的Sphinx故事是叫人猜谜语的故事。    谜语是什么东西又四只脚又两只脚又三只脚,后来Oedipus猜出来了。(SPHINX, in Greek mythology, a winged monster with the body of a lion and the head and breast of a woman. According to the myth, the Sphinx destroyed the passersby from the Greek city of Thebes when they failed to guess her riddle:“What is four-footed in the morning, two-footed at noon, three-footed in the evening?”Oedipus solved the riddle by replying:“Man, who in childhood creeps on hands and knees, in manhood walks erect, and in old age uses a staff.”The Sphinx, hearing this, threw herself from a rock and perished, and Oedipus thus became the liberator of Thebes and was made its king.)    法老们不用金字塔以后,开始在地底下挖坟。一九二二年,考古学家Howard Carter(an English archaeologist, specialized in excavating ancient Egyptian tombs)挖到了小法老Tutankhamen的坟——三三○○年前的宝贝全部出土。小法老十八岁就死了,装在金棺材里,棺材盖是用金子做的小法老的全身雕像。坟共有四个房间,在中挖成的,里面宝贝多极了,琳琅满目。(Good gems fill the eyes, a vast array of beautiful and fine things.)小法老Tutankhamen的名字,在三三○○年后,名闻全世界。Will Rogers(爸爸跟你谈过的美国牛仔哲学家,印地安祖先)甚至把Tutankhamen这个名词(noun)当动词(verb)来用。他说:   If the father of our country, George Washington, was Tutankhamen tomorrow, and, after being aroused from his tomb, was told that the American people today spend two billion dollars yearly on bathing material, he would say,“What got'em so dirty?”   埃及有全世界最长的河尼罗河(Nile River),埃及为了利用尼罗河,自一九六○年起用十亿美金盖了大水库,叫阿斯旺水库(阿斯旺坝The Aswan High Dam)(台湾的石门水库只是一亿美金),有了阿斯旺水库,会使尼罗河的水存起来。但这样一来,许多埃及的古迹都要被淹,尤其是有名的四千年前的大庙阿布辛拜勒(Abu Simbel)。于是进行抢救,全世界五十个国家捐了一千七百万美金救它,救的方法是朝上搬家。于是,这座待在那儿四千年的大庙,就被锯成一块一块的,用起重机搬了家。    这个大庙里面的名堂很多,设计奇特。每年有两次,阳光照进法老石像的脸上。大庙外面这四个大石像也都是这法老,这法老叫Ramesses II(Ramses II, Ramesses II),在位时间是公元前十三世纪(reigned 1290-1224 B. C.),他把他自己做成四胞胎,替自己的庙守门,他老家伙谁也不信,只信自己。四千年前,他把古人忙得臭死;四千年后,他又把今人忙得臭死,他真有办法,他真行。 爸 爸 一九七五年九月二十日
作者: 者敖之宴 2005-4-21 18:45   回复此发言

“古希腊的辉煌” 亲爱的小文: 爱伦坡(Edgar Allan Poe,1809—1849)是West Point(西点军校)开除的,但后来西点拍他马屁,给他立了铜像。你在西点时注意到了吗?他是美国文学家,活到爸爸这个年纪(四十岁)就死了,他最会写神秘和侦探小说,他是给神秘和侦探小说开山的人。他也是诗人,他十四岁写了一首有名的诗《给海伦》(To Helen),诗里最有名的句子是: 你水仙花的头发,古典的脸, 水神的风华,把我带到 古希腊的辉煌 古罗马的壮丽 Thy hyacinth hair, thy classic face, Thy Naiad airs, have brought me home To the glory that was Greece And the grandeur that was Rome 希腊文化是西方文化(Western Civilization)的老祖宗;是西方文化的姥姥的姥姥的姥姥的姥姥……。现在西方文化和希腊文化息息相关(related as closely as each breath is to the next)到处可以看到。 比方说Poe这首诗里提到hyacinth就是希腊的美少年Hyacinthus。用铁饼(discus)误杀Hyacinthus的,就是太阳神阿波罗(Apollo)。 Apollo无所不在,到处插一脚,他虽然是神,可是也参加人的纠纷。前面Poe的诗给Helen,她惹出Trojan war、她是天仙化人(as beautiful as an angel from heaven;a stunning beauty)因为她本是Apollo的爸爸Zeus(Jupiter)的私生女。Trojan war就是后来《木马屠城记》的故事。Troy城是个倒霉的城,前后一千八百年间,被毁九次,Helen那次只是第六次。考古家希勒曼(H. Schliemann)不知道Troy城有这么多,他挖过了头,挖到了木马屠城记以前的城——更早—千年的城。 在《木马屠城记》中,Apollo是帮守城的一边。Apollo的Priest叫Laocoon,他警告说木马有问题,不要信Greeks。即使他们带礼物来,但Laocoon和他儿子共三个被两条海蛇咬死了,结果他的警告没人信,最后木马拖进城来,半夜里,Greeks都从肚子里跳出来了。 英文谚语A cat has nine lives.(猫有九命)City with nine lives是套这一谚语。 中国人说“人非圣贤,孰能无过?”但外国人却说圣贤也有过,在英文中,这Even Homer nods.。Even Homer sometimes nods.(连荷马也打磕睡)荷马是第一个西方作家,是个瞎子(中国最老的作家之一左丘明Tso Chiu-ming也是个瞎子!)荷马活的时候穷得讨饭,死后有七个城拍他的马屁,说荷马是他们老乡。 Seven wealthy towns contend for Homer dead, Through which the 1iving Homer begg'd his bread. ——Thomas Seward:On Homer(1788) 荷马的Odyssey里说Greeks从Troy回来,路上经过干辛万苦。他们的大英雄是Odysseus(英文多叫他Odysses),带着Greeks逃离了Lotus-Eaters等等要命的地方。 中国的王宝钏等她丈夫回来,等了十八年。她的纪录被Odysseus的老婆Penelope打破,Penelope等了她丈夫二十年。Odysseus回来的时候,只有老狗还认识他。 Troy城虽然跟希腊扯不清,但它却不在希腊岛上,它在土耳其。 希腊岛上的大城是雅典(Athens),这名字是跟智慧女神雅典娜(Athena)来的。你重看一次爸爸六三、五、三一给你的信,注意“运猫头鹰到雅典”那一段,在Trojan war中,雅典娜帮Greeks这一边,她派出两条海蛇,咬死了Laocoon父子,可见她花样很多。她的爸爸也是Zues。Zeus因为怕她太聪明,在她出生前,把她妈妈Metis吃了,但是没用,雅典娜还是从她爸爸头顶上跑了出来。 崇拜雅典娜的最有名的是公元前五世纪的巴希农神殿(Partheon),在卫城(The Acropolis)上面,是最有名的希腊建筑。The Acropolis rises proudly on 180-foot hill above the Attic Plain. The Parthenon and many large buildings were built in Golden Age of Pericles, 2400 years ago. The Acropolis上面还有许多别的建筑,像The Caryatids等。 Apollo、Helen、Athena三个人的爸爸Zeus就是天神,中国的老天爷,他是一个风流鬼,跟十五个女人生了二十一个小孩,每个小孩都是名流。十五个女人中,他只跟三个结了婚,其他都没有。他的兄弟就是阎王爷(Pluto)。 希腊的建筑后来被人学,到处都是。英国哲学家A. N. Whitehead有一段说这种希腊其实最不希腊,因为希腊人并不学人家。(The most un-Greek thing we can do is copy the Greeks. For emphatically they were not copyists.) 小文你再把六四、五、三一爸爸的信找出来,看看苏格拉底等Philosophers和Alexander the Great关系。Alexander the Great是希腊最有名的皇帝,他从Macedenia老家,一直打到了印度,他使希腊文化普及到好多地方。 Zeus有一个儿子,叫Heracles,说Heracles的后代就是Alexander the Great,所以老是和Zeus有关系。 Alexander the Great打到Turkey中部的时候,cut the Gordian knot(an intricate knot tied by Gordius, king of Phrygia, to be undone only by the person who should rule Asia. Alexander the Great cut it through with his sword.)在中文,这叫“决刀斩乱麻”(to find and use a quick, easy way out of a difficulty)。 跟Alexander the Great的老师Aristotle同时,另有一派哲学家,他们是cynic,就是愤世嫉俗的人。Diogenes白天点了灯笼在大街上找人,就表示现在是黑暗,人也不 是人。Alexander the Great去拜访Diogenes,Diogenes却叫皇帝走开,别挡他的太阳。 Alexander the Great很幕羡这位满不在乎的哲学家,因此才说了这么一句捧人也自捧的话——“如果我不是亚历山大,我就想做Diogenes.”(If I were not Alexander, I would be Diogenes.)他真会说话呵! 希腊到处是古迹,所以令人怀古。 希腊有四三七个岛,岛占全国的面积五分之一,全国只有台湾一个半大,人口只有台湾三分之二。 爱吾宗(evzones)的制服是希腊的招牌。 爸 爸 一九七五年十月十二日 Rome下周写
作者: 者敖之宴 2005-4-21 18:45   回复此发言

“古罗马的壮丽” 亲爱的小文: Rome(罗马)是现在Italy(意大利)国的首都,也是古代Rome帝国的首都,所以这个字,又是城的名字,又是国的名字。 英文中带罗马的词儿很多,Roman Nose、Roman numerals……你慢慢都会碰到。带罗马的成语也很多。条条大路通罗马!(All roads lead to Rome.) 罗马人喜欢修路,留下的大路最有名的是Appian Way。Appian Way is the old highway to Rome from the south, lined with cypress tress.大路通到罗马以后,就要In Rome do as the Romans do.,这就是中文“过路问禁,入乡问俗”的意思,否则就变成了土包子。 到了罗马,可真好看,到处是古迹。这正是罗马不是一天造成的(Rome was not built in a day.)。 在地图上你注意Pompeii那个地方。一千九百年前,Vesuvius火山爆发,把Pompeii活埋了。但这一埋却保存了一个两千年前完整的古城。现在这个城的一半已经给挖了出来,使人类看到了两千年前古城的原样,小文你说,多有意思呀! 罗马把希腊的神都全部搬到自己家里来,所以也有Apollo的庙。 罗马建筑是抄希腊的,但是加了两点花样。第一点花样是“拱”(arch);第二点是“混凝土”(concrete)。 古罗马圆形竞技场叫The Colosseum,是人给狮子吃的地方。Roman Holiday(罗马假期)表示看人受罪以为乐,就是这么来的,最喜欢Roman Holiday的是罗马皇帝尼禄(Nero),有人说他放火烧了罗马,还出来一句英文成语:To fiddle while Rome is burning. 罗马本来信很多神,但是Christians(基督徒)跑出来说别的不要信,只信他们的God,结果在Nero时候,大抓Christians,Christians吓得躲到catacombs(墓窖)里。 因为罗马法规定不准打扰死人,所以罗马兵不会跑去抓。 罗马兵穿得很神气。 罗马最有名的将军是凯撒(Julius Caesar),凯撒也是历史家,也是妇产科医生最头痛的对象。——因为凯撤的妈妈生不下来他,只好开刀从肚子里取出来。叫剖腹取子手术(Caesarian operation;Caesarian section)。 从凯撒身上,出来许多英文名句子,像: 1.to cross the Rubicon——孤注一掷;胜败一举;采取断然手段(the Rubicon是意大利中部的一条河)。 2.Veni,vidi,vici.(I came, I saw, I conquered.——“我来了,我看到了,我征服了。”(凯撒名言。) 3.Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's;and unto God the things that are God's.——“凯撒的东西还给凯撒,上帝的东西还给上帝。”(这是《马太福音》中记耶酥的话。凯撒不但是指Julius Caesar,也指一般的罗马皇帝。) 英文中七月July就是从凯撒名字Julius来的。七月有三十一天也是他的杰作。 凯撒打Egypt后,被埃及女皇Cleopatra迷住。凯撒被刺后,他的部下Antony又被Cleopatra迷住。所以法国哲学家Pascal说:如果Cleopatra的鼻子短一点,整个世界的脸蛋都变了。(If the nose of Cleopatra had been a little shorter the whole face of the world would have been changed.) 还有一个罗马将军叫Quintus Fabius Maximus Rullianus(?—290B.C.),他拖垮了罗马大号敌人汉尼拔(Hannibal)。 罗马对面有古国迦太基(Carthage),与罗马打了Punic Wars,前后扯扯拉拉,打了一一八年。Hannibal是Carthage的将军,他本领真大,他带了三十七条象,越过Pyrenees大山,Rhone大河,从Rome背后打进来。Rome没见过象,把象叫做“像一座房子那么大的”野兽,吓都吓昏了,哪里打得过。 幸亏Rome的Quintus Fabius Maximus Rullinnus将军用了不正面作战和坚壁清野(to fortify the defense works and to leave nothing usable to the invading enemy)的法子,才在最后打败Hannibal。 这种gradually,影响到两千年后的英国的费边社(Fabian Society),影响到英国工党。 费边社的人才,爸爸跟你谈过GBS(George Bernard Shaw,萧伯纳),现在再介绍两位。1.英国小说家:威尔斯(H.G.Wells),2.英国社会学家:碧特莱丝·韦伯夫人 (Beatrice Webb)。 罗马用的是拉丁(Latin)文。最早罗马人的土包子说他不懂希腊文(Greek)。英文成语It is Greek to me.意思是I can’t understand it.。罗马人后来什么都要Greek,最后干脆用起希腊文来,不喜欢用自己的拉丁文了。 希腊罗马因为文化混在一起,所以一般都说Greco-Roman,像Greco-Roman Civilization,Greco-Roman Wrestling等。 爸 爸 一九七五年十月十九日
作者: 者敖之宴 2005-4-21 18:45   回复此发言

波澜N多的波兰 亲爱的小文: 你弹过萧邦Frederic Francois Chopin(一八一○——一八四九)的作品吗?Chopin是波兰人。只活了三十九岁。Chopin played the piano in public when only eight years old. He began to compose soon afterward. He studied at the Warsaw Conservatory from 1826 to 1829 before leaving Poland in 1830. He settled in Paris in 1831, and, except for some travel, he lived there the rest of his life. 波兰夹在德国俄国之间,老是被侵略、被瓜分、被瓜剖豆分([of a county] to be divided or split like a melon or a bean;to be partitioned)。 Chopin音乐激起波兰人的爱国心。 The poles also have an insatiable appetite for translations of Molière and Shaw and for their own 19th-century dramatists who wrote from exile, when their country was partitioned among three neighboring empires. The plays, novels, and music of this period helped keep the Poles' sense of nationhood alive. One composer, in particular, has stirred polish pride through the dark years, He, of course, is Chopin, whose birthplace at Zelazowa Wola, 28 miles west of Warsaw, is a national shrine. here, every Sunday in the spring and summer, the public is invited to a Chopin concert. 波兰在一七七二、一七九三、一七九五、一九三九年前后被瓜分四次。一九一四年被瓜分了以后,地图上没有波兰了。一九四五年苏联(Russia/U.S.S.R.)分了波兰东边,却把德国东边补给波兰。所以波兰“失之东隅,收之桑榆”(to suffer a loss in one place but make a gain somewhere else)。 苏联这种作风,叫“慷他人之慨”(to show generosity or unselfishness by another's wealth;to be generous at the expense of others)。爸爸在四、六信中跟你谈过,英文叫Rob Peter to pay Paul(抢彼得赔保罗)。 波兰的首都是华沙(Warsaw),Warsaw, Warsaw, Warsaw可真saw了war。二次世界大战,华沙城全毁,人死了四分之一。 葛单斯克(Gdańsk)在德文叫但泽(Danzig),是造船中心,这个城和波兰走廊(Polish Corridor)过去都是世界大新闻,因为它们老是和德国扯不清。 POLISH CORRIDOR is a historic strip of land that was once the ancient polish province of Pomorze. Poland lost the province to Prussia in 1772. When Prussia become a German state in 1871, the area fell into German control. After World War I, the Versailles Treaty established the corridor of land to give Poland free access to the Baltic Sea. The corridor separated East Prussia and the port city of Danzig from the rest of Germany. In 1939, Germany regained control of the area when Nazi troops invaded Poland. After World War II, the corridor was returned to Poland. 波兰成为天主教国家已一千年,Most Poles are Roman Catholics, and religion is important in their lives, Poland has been a Christian country for 1000 years. 波兰的瓷器很有名,瓷器又叫china,所以,可以说,Poland的china很有名。 小文你还记得爸爸跟你谈过的一种猪叫Poland China吗?Poland Chinas gain weight rapidly and make excellent meat hogs. Farmers in Ohio developed the Poland China breed. Kraków是波兰的文化城,以前是首都(Kraków is the traditional capital of polish culture)波兰天文学家哥白尼(Copernicus)就是在这个城里出头的。 Copernicus skillfully applied this new idea in his masterpiece, Concerning the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres(1543). In this book, Copernicus demonstrated how the earth's motions could be used to explain the motions of other heavenly bodies. His theory laid the foundations for the telescopic discoveries of Galileo, the planetary laws of Johannes Kepler, and the gravitation principle of Sir Isaac Newton. Copernicus was born in the city of Thorn(now Toruń, Poland), and attended the University of Kraków. 波兰人跑到外国成名的: ①在法国有居里夫人Marie Sklodowska Curie(1867——1934),Polish chemist and physicist in France, wife of Pierre Curie, Madame Curie. 她是做下女出身的,苦学成功。她是唯一一个人得过两次Noble Prize的科学家。她的大女儿Iréne后来也得了Nobel Prize;小女儿Ève. Her life of her mother, Madame Curie(1937), had a great and immediate success, as did Among Warriors(1943). ②在英国有康拉德Joseph Conrad(一八五七——一九二四)。 Joseph Conrad的爸爸和一个叔叔都因为反抗俄国,被俄国人抓去,死在牢里(exiled to Siberia)。他原跟他爸爸住在Cracow(就是Kraków),不到四岁时,爸爸被抓,他和妈妈也跟着到了俄国的Siberia(西伯利亚)——政治犯可以带家属在一起。 他八岁时,妈妈死,十一岁时,爸爸死,他流浪到欧洲,一直做水手。 他二十岁以前不会英文,后果却变成了英国大文学家。 他最有名的小说是《吉姆老爷》(Lord Jim)和《黑暗的心》(Heart of Dark)。家里都有。 ③在美国有鲁宾斯坦Artur Rubinstein,爸爸跟你谈过的大钢琴家。 波兰最有名的文学家是显克维支Henryk Sienkiewicz(一八四六——一九一六),他用Rome的Nero做故事,写成了《暴君焚城录》(Quo Vadis,也叫《你往何处去》),这本书和前面居里夫人女儿给她妈妈写的那本Madame Curie,你都该看。家里都有。 爸 爸 一九七五年十月二十六日
作者: 者敖之宴 2005-4-21 18:45   回复此发言

登天梯 亲爱的小文: 你注意到警察局里消防车上的云梯(ladder)了吗?那种梯子升起来很高,可高出一百英尺。美国underworld slang把ladder叫做Jacob,你知道是谁吗? Jacob was the son of Isaac, and the father of the 12 sons who founded the Twelve Tribes of Israel, according to the Old Testament. He bought his older brother Esau's birthright with a bowl of savory stew(“mess of pottage”). Later, Jacob enforced his claim by pretending to his blind and aged father that he himself was Esau. Thus, he obtained from Isaac the words of blessing Isaac had meant for Esau. Esau was so angry that Jacob fled for his life. On the way to his uncle Laban, Jacob slept at a place called Bethel, where he dreamed of a wonderful ladder between heaven and earth. In the dream, God promised to protect and bless him while he was away from home. Much encouraged, Jacob went on to Laban's home. There he fell on love with Laban's daughter, Rachel. But Laban forced Jacob to marry hid older daughter. Leah, before he could have Rachel for his wife. After working 20 years for Laban, Jacob left for home. On the way, Jacob prayed all night until God reassured him that Esau would spare his life. Esau met him with forgiveness, and they parted good friends. Jacob spent his last years in Egypt, where his son Joseph brought him to live. Esau was the son of Isaac and Rebecca, and twin brother of Jacob in the Bible. He is a main character in many stories found in Genesis 25-33. The best known are Jacob's cheating him out of his birthright for a“mess of pottage”(Gen.25:27-34), and the loss of his blessing through the plotting of his mother and brother(Gen.27). Esau was reconciled to Jacob after the latter's return to Palestine 20 years later. Biblical history regards Esau as the founder of the Edomite nation. Jacob就是现在以色列(Israel)人的老老老老老老老老老老……老祖宗。 Mess of pottage就是“因小失大”、“得不偿失”、“划不来”的意思。 A Jacob's ladder is a ladder made of rope or cable, usually with wooden rungs. It is dropped over the side of a ship to enable people to ascend from or descend to small boats alongside. Harbor pilots usually come aboard via a Jacob's ladder. The Jacob's ladder gets its name from an incident in the Book of Genesis(28:12). The patriarch Jacob falls asleep and the a vision:“And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and he top of it reached to heaven;and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it.” Jacob's ladder has been used in at least two other quite earthly meanings. A small plant with a flower-and-leaf formation resembling a ladder bears this name. In England, also what we Americans call“runs”in hosiery were formerly called Jacob's ladders. Nowadays they are simply ladders. Jacob's ladder可以登天,所以美国黑社会的thieves' Latin(盗贼的隐语,切口)就把梯子叫Jacob。 植物里头花葱属(polemoniums)中的一种就叫Jacob's ladder,因为它们有ladderlike leaves。 爸 爸 一九七五年十一月一日
作者: 者敖之宴 2005-4-21 18:46   回复此发言

作者: 24.42.42.* 2005-10-26 10:29   回复此发言

好伟大的父亲!! 不愧是一介大师
作者: 61.235.119.* 2005-10-27 13:32   回复此发言

你把<李敖全集>里的书信放这里有什么用啊?? 私人信体现了他的爱心和另一面的温柔,但是这里没有什么大用处!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 佩服!11 你要是真的学李敖,就学他的铁骨柔情!
作者: 晋梦天 2005-10-28 19:52   回复此发言

作者: 宋安然 2005-10-29 16:48   回复此发言

作者: 61.149.97.* 2005-10-30 00:41   回复此发言

作者: amyna_home 2005-11-4 10:38   回复此发言

作者: 边缘的绿玫瑰 2005-11-5 12:00   回复此发言




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